Saturday, October 30, 2010
The Lost of Privilege
How do we respond to the idea that America privilege is waning? That the lifestyles that we have taken for granted and the accommodations we have classified as birthright are slowly passing away? These are the questions we must wrestle with as we live in the time of America's decline. We must decide what kind of nation will we be, will the uncertainty and fear of the unknown create in us a new awareness that will allow for us to finally see the suffering of our fellow brothers and sisters? Or will fear cause us to become hardened and fueled with anger at the disappearance of our unearned privilege? These are the questions that will define us,who will we be? I hope that a new perspective will be born and that our collective indifference will be replaced with a consciousness that fuels real change. It is time for us to make a choice will the loss of our privilege allow for us to abandon our false ideas about our exceptionalism or will we simply harden our hearts to the rest of the world. The choice is ours and hopefully we can choose correctly. Let's Get Free!
Friday, October 15, 2010
If I Ruled the World
If I Ruled The World the mission would be simple. The mission would begin with destroying the idea that societal induced suffering is acceptable in a civilized society. Our lives would become more than exercises in narcissism and we would be motivated by the greater good as opposed to what's good for us. Apathy would no longer engulf the masses and empathy would become the way of the world. More importantly, If I Ruled The World those who suffer in silence outside the spotlight of American cameras would have their voices heard. Their pain would be the foundation for reconciliation and humanity would be restored through our ability to recognize our roles in the perpetuation of destruction and misery. Men and women would begin to communicate in a way that created true partnerships instead of embracing infantile competitions for power. Difference would not be demonized but uplifted and revered in our society. Lastly, If I Ruled The World there would be no need to fight for justice because its presence would be the norm and peace and prosperity would emboldened our democracy. Let's Get Free!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Bourgeois Idealism = Fake Shit
We must be on guard against the ways success has become a vital tool of the oppressors/ Our desires and ideas of what the good life means have been defined by corporations that desire to keep us chasing dreams that keep us forever enslaved to the larger American system. Whether it is the pursuit of fast cars, big houses, or designer clothes, the commercialized commodities that characterize so much of the American dream are nothing more than the figments of culture sought to distract from the truth. The question remains, what is the truth? The truth is that freedom does not derive from the unnecessary accumulation of meaningless materials, but from a repudiation of those things. When we no longer allow for the rewards of a corrupt system to silence our voice and control our revolutionary spirit, that is the moment when the possibility of true freedom emerges. Let's Get Free!
Friday, October 8, 2010
It's on Us!
The struggle for change extends beyond political seasons. True change begins when we allow for our lifestyles to be forever altered by consciousness. When we recognize that the struggle for change must be communal in nature. And that as individuals we will eventually tire in the face of stagnate forces that desperately covet the stationary presence of the status quo. The possibility of true change begins and ends with us. Our elevated voices or our disheartening silence will ultimately determine if change is possible or if it is simply rhetoric to be trotted out with the ever changing political seasons. Let's Get Free!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Racism Made Me Do it
How do we navigate an American system still infested with the disease of racism while recognizing the power of our own choices in shaping our destiny? This is a question that we must struggle with because for some, the presence of racism has become a convenient excuse and has allowed for us to abadon personal responsability and fall into the embrace of self-destructive life style choices. We can never be blind to the reality that racism still seeks to stifle the potential of so many. However, we must never allow for the presence of racism to be an immovable object that precipitates the acceptance of failure. We must attack the insidious nature of racism with our courageous attempts to be excellent in the face of tremendous odds. When we do this, we weaken the hold that racism seems to have around the mind and limbs of so many of our people. Let's Get Free!
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