Monday, November 29, 2010
The truth is that ignorance is more convenient. It does not force us to come to grips with the newly created world that has emerged on our watch. No,ignorance can remain unchallenged as the drug of choice for those who seek to retreat from the harsh realities that demand our attention. Sadly, we basked in our collective anti-intellectualism because it allows for us to remain free from the perils of choices.Consciousness is revolting for those who fear their own shadows.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
The In the Crowd
Who is in the in crowd? This is a question that we should ask because for most it dictates their actions. As they struggle to desperately belong to the manufactured in crowd their self-esteem is forever connected to a sense of belonging. However, this belonging is forever fleeting because there is no profit in belonging, the profit emerges from selling to those who have been convinced of their meaningless that meaning can be found in products. Products, that can change the way you look,feel and most importantly change the way others view you. It is this cultural phenomenon that entangles the masses. Lost souls looking for meaning are perfect victims for companies that acquire riches through selling solutions to the socially manipulated masses that are forever in search of belonging. The question is when will will critical voices emerge and challenge the corrupt ideas that are entangling generations to a system that convinces them of their sickness and amasses great wealth in selling them the cure. We must open our eyes and wake up to the lies that are destroying our humanity. Let's Get Free!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
At some Point
At some point the cries of a suffering humanity will no longer be muted by our collective apathy.
As Americans we should ask ourselves the question have we ever rejected the narrative? Has the belief that America is exceptional and that we were placed on the hill to be a beacon of hope for the rest of the world made us complicit in the misery of certain segments of the world population? Is it our willingness to accept the narrative as truth essentially what allows for us to turn a blind eye to the suffering of the world? As we seem all to willing to accept that suffering and misery are necessary evils in a broken world. However, the perpetuation of brokenness is connected to our socially constructed individualized stupors. We cannot see beyond our own dreams and ambitions. Our lives are lived in solitary because community is not a marketable commodity for capitalistic elites. The question is what will we do? What generation will stand and create an alternate path towards a new narrative based on liberation and equality?
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
There comes in time when we must recognize that those who desire to change the American system cannot expect to enjoy the benefits of that system. Ultimately, we must choose what will be the arc of our life? Will we embrace the selfish ideas that are so conveniently intertwined with our notions of independence? Or will refrain from the seductive embrace of rugged individualism and recognize that life is measured by the health of our communal relationships. We are in this together and it is only when we begin to struggle, fight and resist together that true freedom is possible. The question is can we turn from the good life that has been so conveniently packaged by corporate entities? They have sought to convince us that the good life is one that is unattached and that caring is a barrier to freedom. Unless, we can challenge the notions of freedom that destroy the bonds of community and leave in its places pockets of individuals trying to find happiness on their own freedom will continue to elude the masses. Let's Get Free!
Saturday, November 6, 2010
More School Please!
It seems that in times of angst about the future or the general feelings of meaningless that characterizes so much of the American life people seek more schooling. Is the rush to school a move towards liberation or a retreat because society has limited answers? This is an essential question that we must ask because it seems that school is defined as the last bastion of hope in an ever increasingly hopeless world. However, is school the answer or is it simply used as tool of pacification? It seems that the issues of meaningless, confusion and angst that lie at the foundation of American life must be addressed. School is another corporate sponsored prison that shackles us to a debt system that forces our allegiance to a corrupt system. We must reject the notion of school if our reason for seeking admittance into its privileged doors is to escape from the harsh realities of the real world. Education must be a tool to eradicate the harsh realities that leave so many suffering under the boot of corporate oppression. Sadly, it seems that school is simply a vehicle that many seek to ride to the good life not recognizing that those that sponsored the good life or the same ones endorsing the debt induced decisions to acquire more meaningless pieces of paper.
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