Monday, January 31, 2011
How do we agitate for change in the midst of stagnant times? It seems that the stifling winds of helplessness have all but extinguished the revolutionary calls for change. Now the idea of change is nothing more than a empty slogan collectively digested by the masses devoid of the sacrificial understanding necessary to make it possible. So collectively we sit at one of the most important times in human history. What will be the path we take?
A Question of Leadership
The relevance of those that seek to convince us of our injuries is rapidly diminishing. At times I wonder who benefits when African Americans construct their identities on the fractured foundation of victimhood. Are there those who seek to resurrect the brutality of our history so that they can then be identified as our saviors? The question is are they truly interested in our progress or in keeping us blindfolded to the ways in which their prosperity is contingent on our misery? The time of calling into question the legitimacy of the self-serving industry of African American leadership is at hand. I am all for those who seek to identity the evils of American society. However, I feel that at times those who question, or not interested in eradicating the evils but simply in securing their position as a critic, thus their stake in the system is the same as the oppressor. It is imperative that we move beyond the confines of victimhood and begin to create a progressive movement around our desire to change the American system. The time of heeding the advice of those that ultimately seek to convince us of our sickness so that they can then sell us the cure is over. Let’s Get Free!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Cry Freedom
The cries for freedom seem to be drowned out by the mounting tides of cynicism that have engulfed the masses. It is becoming harder and harder to envision freedom from the entanglements that stifle the masses. However, we must remain defiant in the face of the oppressive structures that seek to relegate revolution to nothing more than a pipe dream in the minds of society's designated idealist. The cries of freedom must continuously push us beyond the confines of conformity were we can courageously wrestle with the giants of apathy and ignorance that seek to intellectually poison the public. Our lives must continuously be testaments to the idea that the overbearing stench of oppression will not suffocate the righteous. To my people in the struggle as always Let's Get Free!
Monday, January 10, 2011
The comfort of fear
At times it is easy to embrace the comfort of failure or the familiarity of limited expectations because it allows for a damaged self-worth to remain protected. It seems that at times we can be our own worst enemy. Afraid to embrace new challenges because the fear of the unknown keeps us retreating towards familiar boxes. I am beginning to see the ways in which historical wounds on the psyches of my people has continuously manifested itself in the questionable choices my people continue to make. Maybe it easier to retreat from the world evoking the stale cries of racism and systematic injury then to truly apply oneself without the protective cover of accepted excuses? However, I do not want my words to be used to absolve a racist society of its destructive role in the continuous oppression of my people. No, I want my words to challenge my people to truly examine our choices and to see the ways in which fear has sought to create a prison around our aspirations. Let's believe in our greatness and began the process of daily actualizing our beauty and courage. To my people in the struggle Let's Get Free!
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