Friday, June 24, 2011
Oppressive Times
It is in the midst of oppressive times that I recognize that the thirst for revolution grows. However, it is not enough to covet one must be moved from the deathbed of acceptance to the battleground of liberation. The time to challenge the status quo and abandon fear, embrace the outcome of resistance is now. The folly of believing in the inevitability of progress must be destroyed. Progress will always be accompanied by the historical bodyguard of resistance. We must resist the system and the seeming normalization of corporate produced misery for so much of the world population. What will it take for us to align ourselves with the disenfranchised? When will we forgo our undeserved privilege that serves as a corrupt blinder to the suffering of the world? The time for resistance is the same as it has always been,Now! Let's Get Free!
Playing the Game
The notion of playing the game causes an allergic reaction to those who covet more than a time clocked existence. However, it seems that calls for more fall on deaf ears.The progression of time creates a conservative complacency that makes mutiny merely a plan for the discontent. Sadly, most cling to the hollow framework of the American dream. The masses seem pacified by the crumbling illusion that their course will be different. That their hard work will be rewarded with the spoils of the privilege they been socialized to covet. So, I have come to the crushing realization that the meal of revolution is one that most simply can't digest. They instead cling to the familiar diet of oppression and meaningless materialism. Why does it seem that so many pointlessly pursue prosperity instead of preparing for revolution? Far too many questions that require more than simplistic answers. However, I will continue to search for those answers that will ultimately lead to liberation. Let's Get Free!
Importance of time
The importance of my time cannot be measured in the context of the 9 to 5 paradigm. Simply stated, this rubric does not work for me. The concept of working for me is at the essence of anything I endorse. So no, I do not endorse this capitalistic system that seeks to turn me into nothing more than a worker. My allegiance to this corrupt system cannot be bought. I refuse to sign my name on the dotted line. A dotted line that forces me to accept a contract that leaves me contractually obligated to oppression and exploitation. No, my pen will always place me in opposition to conformity and complacency. I will forever choose to uplift my voice in resistance. With my pen, I seek to reclaim a lost heritage that capitalism systemically seeks to deny. So, in my opposition, I deny capitalism the victory in the war to turn me into nothing more than a profit producing drone. My refusal is representative of the spirit of the ancestors. It is their example that provides the revolutionary ink to my pen. Let's Get Free!
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
illusion of ownership
The illusion of ownership is laughable. Sadly, the majority of citizens are forced to live an existence that rarely extends beyond servitude. So why the compliance? Maybe, it is because there can be no critical examination of one's state in the midst of America's confining structures. The narrative of survival does not allow for individuals to question the model that dispenses the necessities. However, it is essential to question and ultimately move in the direction of requiring more from the system. If the system is not working for the people then its replacement is necessary. So let us move in the direction of progressive change at the expense of the maintenance of broken systems. Let's Get Free!
Normal Life
The feelings of angst that occurs with the realization that the normal life is non-appealing must be widespread. I cannot fathom becoming complacent with a status quo lifestyle. The life of a worker bee is something that has disastrous implications for those who desire freedom. Freedom from the restrictions that define so much of the supposed civilized life. There must be more to life than the 9 to 5 grind and the accumulation of meaningless materials. Sadly, most stop the search and seek refuge in simplicity. A simplicity that fosters a lack of fulfillment and continued life crises for those seeking more. So, ultimately I recognize that submission to a life of routine and strucutured obligation devoid of meaning is a price to high to pay. I would rather continue to search for individual freedom in the midst of the herd.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
If I only I could dip my pen in lighter fluid so that I could ignite the flame that would lead to the fire that James Baldwin talked about. Hoping that the flames of revolution would extinguish the winds of apathy that engulf so many. Sadly, it seems that change will continue to move at a snails pace because there can be no revolution were there is no consciousness. And we seem to be unconscious of the ways we view the language of revolution as foreign unable to understand its tone and grasp its complexity. So we embrace oppression or worse we are unable to recognize its grip on the masses. Even in the midst of frustration I refuse to be broken by the inability of revolution to gain traction. I will continue to covet its presence and prepare for its inevitable season. Let's Get Free!
Friday, June 10, 2011
It seems that the tidal waves of hate engulfing Lebron James cannot be solely explained by the Decision Fiasco. We cannot be blind to the history of race and sports and allow for context to be ignored while we claim we are post racial. The venom behind the hate is connected to Lebron's unwillingness to play the role of the meek Negro. His refusal to let the white media define and construct his brand is at the foundation of the vicious attacks directed at Lebron. The media's desire to paint him as the evil coward is connected to his calculated business moves that were once reserved for white owners. Again, the idea of change is frightening and Lebron represents a new athlete more in control of his brand than perhaps any other athlete in the history of American sports. Is it his willingess to exercise his freedom at the heart of the issue? Or is it simply because he left one team to play for another?
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Waiting for Superman, Batman or any other Superhero
It seems that at times we have been conditioned to believe that the problems that provide a context for misery for so much of the world will be solved without our intervention. It is troubling when apathy is rampant and indifference has become entrenched and elevated as a cultural necessity. We must recognize that change is only possible when we individually take responsibility for the collective plight of the world we inhabit. We must refocus our vision and begin to turn our fixation with change inward and begin the process of holding ourselves accountable for the misery we see. So lets us stop waiting for superman, batman or anyone that allows for us to shirk responsibility for the plight of the world. If we recognize that the world is in terrible shape the next question is what are we going to do about it? Let's Get Free!
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