Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Damn Seattle!
When did the town become a place where violence was so prevalent? I, like many others am wrestling with this question. As I see numerous updates that highlight the fear that now grips our city. I am left with the realization, Uncertainty is scary. It is difficult when we recognize that those ideas that we have taken for granted must be re-examined. Safety is a privilege that it seems we have taken for granted. Now, the question is how will we challenge ourselves and our communities to be better? How will we make the choice not to give into the despair? It is easy in times like this to make your circle smaller. So often we tend to believe that there is no one that we can trust and that barriers and fences will make us safer. However, we must resist this logic and recognize the solution occurs when we begin to truly see one another as brothers and sisters. Beautifully flawed individuals trying to deal with the same cruel world. That skin color, sexual orientations, economic class or political affiliation does not shield us from the same fundamental issues. The truth is, We are in this together, and until we accept this, and place the value of life at the centerpiece in the restoration of our broken world we will continue to fall short. Falling short screaming in solitude Damn Seattle!
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Love Life
Love Life. A simple phrase that seems needed now more than ever. As the news is continually filled with stories of lives stolen to soon, I wonder how did we arrive here? How did we reach this point where precious lives were no longer viewed in that context? When did innocence die? More importantly, when did we began to revel in our guilt? Why are guns now aimed and bullets fired in undefined directions looking for indiscriminate targets? The truth is, we all become targets when violence becomes normalized and the solutions to the feelings of powerlessness become automatic weapons. So, how do we teach our young people to love life in the midst of culture that teaches them that violence is legitimate tool to solve problems? We must critique the larger cultural vices that seeks to corrupt the minds of youth with questionable messages. Our message must be that when we begin to love life you begin to recognize how precious it truly is. And hopefully this recognition will lead you to see the precious nature of others and will force you turn from the destructive ways of violence. Let's Get Free!
Take A Chance!
It is shocking when you realize that change does not simply occur. That we are responsible for the picture we paint. That sitting and waiting for perfect opportunities or moments is pointless. This is life! This is our time and any time spent wasted waiting for a time more perfect than this is futile. What do I want out of life? This is a question I have struggled to answer. However, I know its more than working in places that provide me no meaning. I want my life to be more than safe choices. Living Rational has not lead to happiness? No, it has simply re-enforced the idea that without risk there can be no rewards. That being unwilling to take chances is not living at all. Freedom and fear cannot co-exist. The question for me is how to challenge fear so that I can live more free?
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
How to make Consciousness Cool?
How to make consciousness cool? This is the question? Far to often intellectuals are isolated from the mainstream because the masses can't or simply choose not to float in deep waters. So the tides of ignorance continue to engulf whole communities while the life rafts of wisdom and consciousness remain out of reach. Can we reach the masses? Or will the masses continue to be enchanted by lyrics that re-enforce captivity? Do, the captives desire freedom or will the familiar chains of captivity captivate many? Many questions however I have limited answers. However, I must answer to the voice that says there is freedom in the possibility that revolution can still charter a new course. Of course complacency can never confine a free spirit. So my spirit emanates freedom songs even from the depths of a chained body. My body will be my sacrifice and revolution will forever be my message. Let's Get Free!
Monday, May 14, 2012
Maybe, Revolution is impossible. Maybe, the remnants of oppression will forever stain the possibility of a more perfect picture of humanity. Maybe, I am unrealistic in my belief that consciousness will one day precipitate real action. Maybe, the belief that life must be defined in a capitalistic context is common sense that I must simply accept. Or maybe, there is more, and that our willingness to envision more is where true freedom begins. I begin each day with the hope that a broken world can be put back together by caring hands. Let's Get Free!
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