Monday, July 23, 2012
A New Story
What are the stories that we tell ourselves? What are the narratives that we follow that shape our worldviews? And is it time to for a new narrative? Is it time to discard the idea that this world was made for us and us alone? Is it time to due away with the notion that rigid ideologies provide salvation? It would seem that salvation may not be in our control but the ability to destroy sadly seems to rest collectively on our fingertips. So, the time is now to start a new narrative. To relinquish the story of competition and individualistic ambition. Truthfully, ambition without consciousness is simply a vice that causes more discord. We must recognize that any narrative that is not rooted in a love of the people is doomed to more us closer down the road of destruction. So, lets awake from our slumber and begin to redefine the way we see ourselves and ultimately our world. Our futures depend on it. Let's Get Free!
Monday, July 9, 2012
Let's Get Free
We are in a battle with those who seek to makes the chains of oppression common accessories for the masses. So, the masses must refuse to adorn themselves in the garments of apathy no matter how comfortable those garments maybe. No, we must stretch our vision so that it encapsulates those that we may have previously classified as different. We must resist the notion that our ambition should be focused on anything other than making sure that everyone is free. And this freedom is not connected to monetary gain or the accumulation of trinkets. No, it is connected to the idea that everyone should be free allow for their authentic selves to spring forth. Let us fight for a better world. A better world where justice and peace are the pursuits of those who crave success. Let's redefine success. Let's move away from values that are destroying our world. Let's fight to make the measure of a human being the capacity to love not destroy. Let's Get Free!
Thursday, July 5, 2012
The Myth of the Bad Employee
I am not a bad employee. I simply do not give a fuck about the task I am being asked to complete. Is it completely irrational to believe that my poor work performance is connected to my complete lack of interest in the task? I believe my rejection of the mundane is a testament to my inability to accept bullshit as a way of life. Life has to be more than structured obligations and spending mass amounts of time punching time clocks, doesn't it? Am I wrong for wanting more? I do not have the talent for convincing myself that getting up everyday and doing something I hate for money is worth it. So, ultimately it is my defiance that makes me a bad employee. It is my inability to be domesticated into a way of life where it is natural to accept that being a cog in an oppressive machine is the meaning of life. That accumulating meaningless trinkets is enough to offset the sheer boredom that a capitalistic system brings on. I am convinced there is more. So, I will continue to be characterized as a bad employee as long as dehumanization is prerequisite for employment in this evil capitalistic system. Let's Get Free!
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