Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Out Loud
I wonder out loud if there is a place for consciousness? If a place exist for those that see past the trivial? Or will those that have been burdened by consciousness be left to speak in a language that remains foreign for most? The conscious are forever in a state of culture shock longing for familiar surroundings.
Monday, July 25, 2011
A nightmare
Sadly, the water hoses of the righteous cannot extinguish the flames of apathy that engulf the masses. This is no hopeful message. No, it is a message, or more precisely a realization that the masses have be effectively dis-engaged. That most cannot see beyond their ambition for the good life. So, any conversation about how these individualistic dreams will fail to exist in the midst of a crumbling empire are ignored. The screams of the righteous strategically muzzled. So we hear no noise, other than the manufactured noises meant to stifle critical thinking. Critical thinking has no place in a society with microwavable attention spans. Misery spans the globe, but most refuse to think in those terms. So we've reached the doorstep of destruction on corporate terms. Their profits remain untouched while we remain untouched by the latest tragedy. It's a tragedy the way our humanity has been effectively ravaged systemically destroyed. So again, this is no hopeful message. Simply a realization that most will continue pursuing individualistic dreams while the world is set in a nightmare.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Silent Cries
The silent cries of human suffering cannot continue to be ignored by apathetic ears. The essence of life is measured in our ability to connect with suffering. To not allow for the misery that engulfs so much of the world’s population to overwhelm us into a passive acceptance of the status quo. Our lives must be exercises in resistance to the institutions and mechanism that seek to normalize misery as a part of a larger plan. No! Human misery is connected to the all too real actions of human hands. We cannot allow for the brutality of humanity to be absolved. We must recognize that our fate is connected to our willingness to turn from beliefs and actions that allow for our hands to continue in the construction of human suffering. Wake up! Be involved in the struggle or forever be linked to the problem! Let’s Get Free!
Project Mind Control
“To keep you as nothing more than a consumer is the greatest weapon the elites have in the war against democracy.” They keep us in the chains of consumption as we are unwilling to see the ways that corporations have redefined our existence. Their goal was to reshape our notions of independence from autonomy into a destructive hedonism that highlights our infantile desire to absolve ourselves of true responsibility. Sadly, the institutions and entities charged with helping to shape our understanding of the world have become co-opted corrupt mouthpieces for the status quo. So our apathy has become the greatest weapons for those who seek to exploit our condition to exacerbate their profits. Therefore, we must shake off the shackles of corporate mind control and resist the path of destruction that misguided and corrupt corporations are leading us down. Our resistance is our only weapon! All we have to lose is our chains! Let’s Get Free!
Instrument of Fear
It is imperative to recognize that the instrument of fear is the true enemy of the people. It's destructive rhythms seek to sow seeds of discord amongst the masses. In times of confusion, as we lose our collective grips on the American dream we search for answers to quell the screams that articulate our frustration with uncertainty. However, it is in the midst of these times that we must look beyond convenient answers. As media controlled propaganda seeks to convince us that our problems are ushered in because of African Americans, immigrants, gay and lesbians or any other socialized scapegoat we must resist. We must look beyond the corporate endorsed sacrificial lambs that allow us to deny the truth, and the truth is that our misery is connected to the hijacking of America by corporation’s intent on increasing their profit at our expense. It is their greed that has created a dream for a few and a nightmare for the masses. They must be held accountable and their grips on American broken if we are to ever experience the essence of democracy that our forefathers hoped for. Let’s Get Free!
Friday, July 22, 2011
Reflections of A people
Does the inability of our political leaders to compromise and operate in the best interest of the American people speak to a larger issue? Is their stubbornness and lack of empathy simply a reflection of the culture we've created? It seems that the leaders of this country reflect the attitudes and actions of the tuned out masses. Our apathy and individualism has been endorsed and embraced as the attributes we seek in our leaders. The lack of concern we show for the rest of the word has been manifested in the way that our leaders treat us. Our inability to accept difference, affirm different perspectives and support the most vulnerable is on full display in the actions of our leaders. So, we find ourselves being led by leaders that represent the worst in us. It no wonder that we seem so frustrated, their ineptitude is simply a reflection of the American we have sought to distance ourselves from. Self-Reflection is always painful because it illuminates the truth that we are not as great as we would like to believe.Sadly, our political leaders are simply a reflection of the people we have become.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
What is the goal? Revolution!
Some ask, what is the goal? Yes, oppression and injustice are seemingly insurmountable staples of life but “what exactly are we supposed to do”? “How can we fight the magnitude of injustice”? “Can the system be defeated”? The truth is the system is not omnipotent and our willingness to embrace this falsehood is our biggest problem. Oppression and the persistent stench of suffering does not have to pollute the air. No! We can organize, agitate and sacrifice our comfort for revolution. There can be more to life than a worker bee existence. Debt does not have to relegate the masses to servitude forcing people to seek escape through the destructive vices of alcoholism, drugs and other socially constructed vices that do nothing more than suffocate the internal longing for more. So, ultimately a change in our condition is contingent on the power of our collective spirit to unite in the midst of system that preaches division. To recognize that our collective destiny is connected to the regaining of a collective outlook, we must free ourselves from the bondage of individualism and recapture a revolutionary communalism that has been systemically destroyed. The goal, simply revolution nothing more nothing less, Let’s Get Free!
Have we left the plantation?
The raising of this question could seem blasphemous to most. The notion that we still reside on the brutal plantations that relegated black life to misery and exploitation is difficult to accept. However, the reality of plantation life was the dominance of white supremacy, the ability to define the aspirations and goals of the African American community this was the true nature of plantation life. So the question of whether or not this reality has truly changed is imperative to examine. Are African American still laborers simply building up white institutions? More so, if we are simply workers building up the institutions of others, what happens when our labor becomes expendable? White control of black livelihood is the essence of plantation life. The inability for Africans Americans to recognize the limited control they have over their lives and their utter dependence on the white power structure is reminiscent of the House Negro that continually believed that his interest would forever be met by the benevolent White Master. The question is, how is thinking liberated? More importantly, our ancestors were forced to accept exploitative relationships with whites. However, we seem all too quick to accept this exploitative contract as long as we can enjoy some of the spoils off the Master’s table. I thought the goal was to escape the plantation not to simply find more comfortable living quarters. Sadly, it seems that plantation life is all that most desire to know.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Patron and Vegas
I wish that consciousness was coveted like patron. Or we wanted to fight for liberation as much as we wanna make it rain in Vegas. Misplaced priorities relegate consciousness to the realm of a skipped preview while the main attraction of ignorance captivates millions. Sadly, millions can recite verses from formulaic Hip-Hop records but cannot remember the last book they read. Then these masses mourn the lost of our youth to a corrupt culture, wondering what went wrong? What went wrong is that ignorance became the accepted vehicle for those to lazy to chase consciousness. So, we rest at the doorstep of destruction with only empty bottles and passing visions of our attempts to live fabricated lifestyles. It is to bad that revolution cannot be reduced to a slogan or that the idea of freedom cannot be accompanied by a dance. It seems these are the prerequisites for cultural embrace. So, pass the bottles and lets purchase more meaningless materials to cover up holes we've been conditioned to bury. Maybe, when revolution can be corporatized and sold as an application for our phones will it be something we finally pay attention to. Let's Get Free!
Monday, July 11, 2011
Can We Overcome?
Can we overcome the socially induced helplessness that allows for us to remain untouched by suffering? Is it possible for the masses to overcome their dreams of the good life and cast their lot in with the disenfranchised? Or will we continue to remain blind to the writing on the wall. The writing that points to a suffering world and requires a response. The choice is ours we can ignore and shield our eyes to suffering. Or we can abandon any notion that our lives can continue uninterrupted while misery dominates the lives of so many. The measure of our lives is connected to how we choose to answer this question. So let us move beyond comfort and construct a courageous stance. A stance that aligns us with those in the world whose suffering remains muted because we cannot stand to have our fantasies obstructed by real life. So, let us stand! Or be judged by the pen of history as cowards for being passive participants in the proliferation of oppression. Let's Get Free!
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Confront Evil
How do we confront evil? To not shrink in its presence and let its vastness forever banish us into a defeated position of passivity? The task at times can seem daunting, the persistence of evil in its war to trump righteousness at every turn could leave many asking the question "what is the point?" Why not simply ignore the larger problems and turn our gazes inward towards our own personal fulfillment? However, it is at this moment that we lose. Whenever our stomachs no longer turn at the presence of evil means indifference has begun to establish a comfortable resting place in the midst of our consciousness. That is why we must always been on guard against apathy and indifference. We must confront evil at every turn. Our humanity is illuminated when we struggle. We must always choose to struggle. Let's Get Free!
Thursday, July 7, 2011
addiction to distraction
We must break our addiction to the consumer culture that distracts us from reality. It is imperative that we challenge the corporate sponsored culture that seeks to pacify and divert our eyes from the real truth. The fact that powerful corporations have refashioned our democracy to serve their interest. These corporations have no concern for the masses that toil near the brink of disaster with only their credit cards to save them. We must awaken from our slumber and take back our democracy. It is time to free ourselves from the incessant fighting that distracts us from the real enemy. The real enemies of democracy are elites who seek to get rich on our backs, distracting us with lies and pointless propaganda. It is time to confront this broken system and alter its course, so that it can serve the needs of the people and not faceless corporations! Let's Get Free!
Saturday, July 2, 2011
A lesson for the Revolutionaries
It is imperative that those who seek revolution do not become engulfed in self-righteousness. The embrace of self-righteousness can allow for those that seek change to unknowingly separate themselves from the masses. This separation breeds contempt in the heart of those who chase a noble cause, believing that their access to knowledge is a limited pathway that most will never reach. Sadly, this thinking hinders progress. There is no perfection and the contradictions of life ensnares all of humanity. Thus there are none who should be held in esteem over others. Those who covet revolution must keep this truth close to heart. The chains of oppression will never be unlocked until all have grabbed their key.
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