Friday, July 22, 2011

Reflections of A people

Does the inability of our political leaders to compromise and operate in the best interest of the American people speak to a larger issue? Is their stubbornness and lack of empathy simply a reflection of the culture we've created? It seems that the leaders of this country reflect the attitudes and actions of the tuned out masses. Our apathy and individualism has been endorsed and embraced as the attributes we seek in our leaders. The lack of concern we show for the rest of the word has been manifested in the way that our leaders treat us. Our inability to accept difference, affirm different perspectives and support the most vulnerable is on full display in the actions of our leaders. So, we find ourselves being led by leaders that represent the worst in us. It no wonder that we seem so frustrated, their ineptitude is simply a reflection of the American we have sought to distance ourselves from. Self-Reflection is always painful because it illuminates the truth that we are not as great as we would like to believe.Sadly, our political leaders are simply a reflection of the people we have become.

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