Friday, November 2, 2018
It seems like the reality is that ignorance has become the new currency. Trolling with ideas that lack substance has sustained profit? So, profit is immense but the descent into a world a weak arguments and no framework for dialog is maddening? We are on a collision court with a fate that highlights our faith in stupidity. Maybe we deserve it?
Tuesday, July 31, 2018
Systems, programming, brainwashing an the attempts to breed complicit masses. I hate when people say wake up. Like, what does that mean? Simply opening our eyes to the madness. What does this do? However, once you see you can't see even if you want to.
Thursday, May 31, 2018
Intellect is even a commodity. Everything for sale? What does the marketplace say? That is how lives are recorded and valued achieved. Thinking that your book smarts are valuable. The marketplace says otherwise. So, you're then wise in your own eyes. Affirmation thus coming from self-righteousness or the notions that others don't get it. In the end you might be the one that does not get it. The ideas that win are the ones remembered.
Tuesday, May 29, 2018
big spectacle
This has all become just one big spectacle. We are all commodities for the capitalistic impulses of empire. We can't handle so this we retreat in the world of memes and social media debates about the trivial because we know we can't change the real? Or that changing the real will require more than a social media presence. Who is ready to really shake shit up? Silence, from the crowd or worst indifference to the different landscape that future generations will be forced to live on. Damn, we just live on. Truthfully, what is one really suppose to do beyond the witness? We even become to that which we witness. It seems human nature. Fucked up human nature.
Tuesday, May 22, 2018
The notion of self. Who loves the true you? In a world of conditional love who will be their loving you after the mask. Can anyone truly love that which is one's true self? Feel like we are forced to wear mask of acceptance. What is not a calculated statement of acceptance? I am pretending with the mask? The real me at times feels trapped by external forces. Shit, it seems that this has been the story of my life.
Friday, May 18, 2018
born to use mic
The notion of moving forward. The stories we are told about how to live are simply neatly fashioned lies. History, has provided no beautiful answers but rather endless examples of the realness of humanity. A virus that rationalizes it's importance. The noise is endless. We are victims and oppressors embody in a narrative of destruction. Or do the messages of destructions simply absolve us the punishment? What if punishment is simply another creation for control? What does it look like without the desire to create stories about what is happening.
the man without a face
Do I think big to feel big? Truthfully at time I can feel so small. Like the world is bigger than me thus I seek solutions to the big issues of the time to deal with the truth that on the micro I have no answer.
So much of it is noise. Or maybe the noise simply exist between my ears. Deep thoughts or is that simply what I tell myself? How is would to know what is deep it this signaled by the validation of others? Who am I? Like seriously away from the positions? Have I become a caricature of a real person. I feel like even to say authentic or real has become mere commodities. It really seems like you can't escape the matrix.
Friday, May 11, 2018
It is maddening when you feel stuck. Like really want can you do about problematic systems? I tell myself that conscious raising raises the possibilities for a better world. However, with time that seems like a false premise that allows for me to keep string on sanity. A shoestring that is laced with depression. Depressive states can't help but be ignored. I think most want more than their lives to be about what they can endure. However, what is there after enduring?
Monday, April 30, 2018
rules, force, compliance.
The issue for me is rules one is force to play by? We are born without capital thus we must turn our bodies/ minds into vehicles of survival on the terms of others. We don't own ourselves. Capitalism, owns us and the ideologies of compliance simply flow from the premise that onto the wheel your were born with no choice but to run until death. Capitalism, produces the need for escapism. It destroys what should be a beautiful experience.
Thursday, April 26, 2018
They capitalize off the shackles. Thus it should be no surprise that they seek to construct shackles in different forms. Form fitting shackles that silence and relegate many to positions of powerlessness. The cruel game is so entrenched it's imprint is embedded in all the institutions. So, that makes those institutions complicit.
Wednesday, April 25, 2018
falling in to cliches
So many of the discussion have falling into clichés. The idea that black people are not monolithic is not new. However, what does that mean? In reality there are things that we all experience that you would think would produce a shared sentiment. However, this is not about resistance for some. No, it is about profit. There is no profit in the monolithic collectivism necessary for resistance. So, I will step out and appeal to those who disregard blackness or have a inability or unwillingness to acknowledge the impact of systems. I will pimp individualism for profit at the expense of resistance. Truth is, resistance is difficult, depressing and decorated with despair. So, it is no surprise that people are out here pimping notions of contrarian black thoughts those who are monolithic in their belief that black pain does not exist.
They have already created the environment for artificial intelligence. We are the cloned models of one another. We have been lied to about our lives being so different when in reality this is all the same game. Victims/ Oppressors and all other simplistic forms of understanding leave us all living artificially. This shit is fake. This is not a call to be real because even being real has simply become another commodity. This all fake. The manipulation of our lives by those with the remote control is real.
Tuesday, April 17, 2018
remote control
The remote control of the matrix is obligation. Or the lies they tell you to force your compliance. When you realize that you're not obligated to participate. They cannot do anything to you. They have weak tools at their disposal. Fuck all of them. Find your personal freedom.
all lies
It is all lies. We are all not humans. The problems is that there are demons in human form. The demons walk with us and move in human form. That is why there is so much of evil in the world that makes it difficult for us to understand. You have to be careful of interactions with the demons pretending to be human.
fuck the liars
Fuck the liars. The system is built of lies. It is a house cards. They all lying. I think they been lying to us for centuries. Everything that passed down to us was designed to keep us comfortable in chains. Do you trust that you can leave without their chains. Do you trust that you can breakaway from the concocted cocoon of confining lies?
The systems produce compliance. We are not free. The rules are just the rules to keep you enslaved. Everything that passes for common sense might be a lie. I am not sure they will tell us anything to free us. They give us poison only to make money off our decaying selves. Nothing, they do for the people. They are not worried about us. The control us with fear. The fear of propaganda. The fear of religion. The fear of death. Cowardice is prison.
Thursday, April 5, 2018
ZOMbie walking normalized
Zombie Walking Normalized. We think we are new but we are not. The same questions and lack of answers have been apart of the human experience.
The system is a failure
The system is a failure. The system is a failure. The system is a failure. Every story that was passed down was pass down to control. None of this shit provides for liberation. We are walking zombies distracted by our phones, distracted by our debts. We are walking towards the graves. We hold onto the idea that death and suffering will be rewarded in the afterlife.
Wednesday, April 4, 2018
meant to be free
I don't think we have been taught anything meant to free. How do we even define chains beyond the rational and the bullshit. If we just making meaning out of the bullshit? Questions, with answers that don't soothe. Hedonism or Faith both seem to lack. They both have left me still relatively unfulfilled.
Wednesday, March 7, 2018
Individual searches. I am looking for something or long to be captivated. It's a struggle cause early trauma created a disposition that can distort. Not just living by dying to be alive. To feel the feeling of being alive. Not through distraction. No, I am not looking to alter to my state I want to change the state that I long to escape. Why is escapism so normalized? What are we running from? What I am running from?
Wednesday, February 28, 2018
The original marketplace was the slave auctions. With this backdrop do we see how we are still up for sale. As we sale ourselves in order to survive what has changed. They never intended freedom. They simply rent out your time. You are owned and then you die
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
outside the marketplace
Can your existence live outside of the marketplace? Can moments not exist on the liner perception of time? Where everything is constructed to be moving us towards some goal. The way we consume time is a matter of perception. What would it be like to perceive time different. To hide in past moments untainted by the poison of future disappointments. So, many moments dripped of context because we are hungry to consume more. To simply take a break in the winds of now. So, many moments that are held deep like memories but memories are simply pictures of things that are lost. So much lost.
Monday, February 12, 2018
same breath
Life can be beautiful and cruel all in the same breath. The lost in the gain of things that can never be measured. Measured tones are for the fearful but so much of our society is fear based. What is the base of our life from the fear downloaded onto our free consciousness. The goal of life is imprisonment. Everything about life is learning to navigate the chains the society seek to place on you.
Friday, February 9, 2018
project brainwash
The institutions conspire to keep us ignorant. Mass consciousness and consensus is necessary for the struggle. So, it should not surprise that the forces that conspire against the masses and desire to keep us weak from alienation and separation. Thus, they have hired drones in the guise of pundits who playout the script of accepted discussion. They all lie and are complicit in the environment of hysteria and ideological martyrdom that is weakening the bonds necessary for resistance. So, the question is what are the masses going to do? Or, what can the masses do when the tools of mass-distraction are in the hands of those that profit off of our search?
Tuesday, January 30, 2018
Meaning. Once the noise is removed and the ego has not driven you to conceive battles to be yours that you could not possible solve you are left in the midst of a longing for something clearer. Meaning, or purpose outside of the concocted lies of certainty that provide security but not truth. The search for truth seems to be losing battle. With this bleak perspective as the backdrop I still choose to press on.
Tuesday, January 23, 2018
There is no preparation for this thing called life. All you ultimately receive is the bullshit understandings of other who don't know what the fuck they are doing either. The certainty with which fools speak should scare us all.
They force choices. The role that fear plays in the exploits of the psyche. If they own the fear they own us. What does it mean to be fearless? Is it possible to fearless unless you embrace the unknown? The unknown can be considered a prison. A prison that gives you certainty but steals the only thing that matter in this life... Possibility... Possibility is freedom. The lies are all connected to given us pathways so that we are easier to control and keep in the database. When we hold onto the possibilities we remain free. Remain free from the entanglements of simplistic lies from the overseers
fake deepness
The fake deepness highlights the shallow pool we are all swimming in. What the fuck does that mean? It means that wisdom or intellect has become another pointless commodity that holds not significance outside of the marketplace. It is all utter bullshit.
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