Thursday, May 26, 2011
The process
How do we begin the process of removing the weeds of oppression that seek to choke the garden of democracy? This is the question that we must answer. What is our responsibility to alleviate suffering and challenge systemic oppression? We must begin by shining a light on the oppressive systems that damage and poison the possibilities for the masses. Then we must actively seek to incorporate progressive ideas into these existing institutions. We must transform the corporate sponsored values that make community impossible. These ate the steps towards making freedom move from a dream to a concrete reality for the masses. Let's Get Free!
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Tides of Privilege
As the tides of privilege seek to engulf the majority of American citizens the realization that there are simply not enough individuals throwing the life preservers of consciousness is disheartening. We must begin to recognize the the warmth of privilege can create a culture of indifference that makes empathy for the suffering of those less fortunate impossible. Sadly, many cannot see beyond their privilege and have no interest in wrestling with the question of what it means to disavow from that reality. So we refuse to recognize the connection between our privilege and global misery. However, the truth is that it is time to move from the confines of privilege towards the liberating arms of revolution. The removal of fictitious barriers that separate collective action against global oppressors is now. Let's us awake from our privileged induced coma and recognize that the time for action is not simply approaching it is already here. Let's Get Free!
Monday, May 23, 2011
Let's Get Free!
Can the power of the pen penetrate entrenched cultural apathy? It seems that revolutionary words fall on reactionary ears making the possibility of liberation laughable. More troubling than this realization is the reality that for most captivity is comfortable. The acceptance of familiar chains as opposed to the uncertainty of revolution seems to be the accepted pathway for most. Sadly, many wander through the desert of ignorance longing for bondage from acceptable Pharaoh's. It seems we have been in bondage so long that we have accepted the reality that the wardrobe of humanity comes with the accessories of chains. Freedom is reserved for those courageous enough to snatch it from the clenched fist of the oppressors. How many of us would rather struggle to be free then embrace an existence of oppression? Those who are willing to struggle have already begun the journey towards liberation. Liberation is the essence of life! Let's Get Free!
Friday, May 20, 2011
Those whose lives have been impacted by the paintbrush of oppression must be on guard against the desire to covet privilege. It is imperative that the marks of oppression remain visible to a world all to quick to ignore the pain of the oppressed. The oppressed and the disenfranchised must not be convinced of their brokenness. Their strength is necessary to still the waters of complacency that seek to engulf the privileged. Our experiences cannot and should not be discarded because we been socialized to see them as barriers instead of the foundation for our liberation. It is time that the oppressed speak with a collective voice that will make the oppressor tremble. The time for revolution is now and the voice of the oppressed is needed. Let's Get Free!
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Degree's = Freedom... LOL
It's sad that those that have been educated in the privileged corridors of higher education are unable to see the commodification of their experience. Truthfully speaking, degree's carry not capital when their worth is mass produced. So as the masses seek shelter in the privileged spaces of higher education they return upon graduation to a job market that has no place for them. In the midst of a capitalistic system the recognition that the commodification of education is problematic does not seem to register on the collective souls of the people. No, we seem content to been pacified by the belief that our degrees will inoculate us from the epidemic of suffering that engulfs large segments of our population. We must wake to the reality that degrees are no substitute to consciousness. Once consciousness occurs then we must actively seek to challenge a system that forces the masses to operate like cattle striving towards rewards devoid of substance. Substance is connected to struggle and it is time for us all to choose that path. Let's Get Free
Monday, May 9, 2011
Rat Race
Life is more than particapation in the rat race. Our existence should be more than punching clocks and systemic structural obligations that confine the individual to a broken system. The idea of freedom must be more than temporary distraction. Lives suffer from disillusionment when supposed answers still leave souls searching for truth. The truth is that these systems are utterly useless in terms of pointing us towards liberation. So the question becomes what does one do in the midst of this realization? They must begin the process of decolonizing their mind to the belief that any systemic reward is anything more than a ploy to gain your allegiance to this corrupt way of life. Life is more than the rat race! Wake up! Let's Get Free!
Friday, May 6, 2011
There is something more. It is in this realization that the hollowness of the existence that most are forced to endure is deemed unacceptable. The screaming voice that emanates from the soul that cries for meaning and fulfillment in a world that simply sells distraction is my compass towards liberation.There is something more.And freedom is connected to the search and belief that structured routine and systemic obligation are not the staples of life. It is this belief that pushes me to continuously challenge the stifling ideas that constrict the movements of humanity. There is more than the systemic entanglements that confine the individual to drudgery and labor. It is this internal belief that keeps me from accepting the process of socialized domestication that strives to strangle my soul. It is in my longer for more that I approach freedom. Let's Get Free
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
True Education
Education raised my expectations and provided me sight to the ways in which I was locked in entanglements fostered by ignorance. It created in me the belief that I deserved more, that survival and struggle do not have to be the main tenets of my existence. And when I speak of this liberating experience I am not highlighting schooling. Schooling is simply a process that seeks to brainwash the individual and inundate the mind with foolish thoughts and trivial pursuits. No, when I speak of education I am speaking of an internal experience that is only facilitated by being an intellectual seeker. Seeking truth even though the embrace of falsehood creates comfort in the midst of oppressive times. True education is the essence of revolution, because it unmasked the ultimate barrier to freedom, our ignorance. So, I seek to move in the direction of highlighting the revolutionary power of education so that it can be felt by all of my people in the struggle. Let's Get Free!
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