Wednesday, November 29, 2017
Fuck Working People
Those who sale their labor enter into an exploitative relationship. Surplus is value and cutting corners when it comes to your livelihood is the goal. Every system in America is debt creator. Once in debt they own us. Debt slavery is real and working people are never expected to be free. The system is fucked and unfair and needs to be overthrown. They should be nothing about this rotten system that is allowed to stand because its ability to stand is correlated with foundational backs of working people.
Thursday, November 2, 2017
what would happen
What would happen if things were perfect? If the things I rail against were made straight? What would be left after raging against the machine? I am not sure I have cultivated a consciousness that is aware of the light could present. The darkness seems to be make more sense. The failures of existence make more sense to me. I am not sure what it would like to live in a space other than this one that seems to be sparked by cynicism
Thursday, October 19, 2017
sham democracy
This is a sham democracy. The leaders our in the pockets of the powerful. The powerless are amused and distracted by wedge issues and ism are provided to frustrated people whose life chances have diminished. We are grasping at tribalism because they intentionally rigged the game so the tribalism offer the illusion of power. There is no power for the bottom class unless the bottom class unite and overturns the whole shit. Your tribalism and weak nationalism can't save you. The economy is global. The financial interest our global and the belief that some past it's prime nationalism is going to do anything other than give crumbs to a starving alienate body politic is pointless. If the solutions come from the top they are no solutions they are attempt at silencing the rage. Let the rage breathe and see what the rage can produce. Get use to the discomfort as opposed to coveting the comfort of peaceful oppression. We must revolt.
The Zombie existence has been normalized. I don't know how you escape from the zombie induced societal context that we toil in. This is a raw deal. However, the raw deal is better than the unknown so we clutch desperately to this raw deal like it is something more beautiful.
ugly place
I am sad to live in this world. It is so ugly. The way we treat each other. The destruction we bring to ourselves and the planet. It is just ugly and everyday can remind of the ugliness. The ugliness is front and center unless we have numbed ourselves to the concerns of the trivial. Maybe, the trivial is all that matters. It just seems that the larger thing of importance have the potential to damage our attempts at trivial meaning. The world is simply an ugly place.
Does integrity mean anything any more? Are we all chasing our naked self-interest and then providing justifications for why those actions don't make us horrible? Are we simply horrible masquerading as something different? It seems like the evidence is piling up that we are horrible. Integrity has not value in the marketplace where everything is for sale. Our labor is for sale so it should not be surprising that our values are to. We are chasing and rationalizing our self-interest regardless of the carnage that it causes. We want what we want to hell with the consequences. It seems this mindset will lead us to a destruction we definitely deserve.
don't care
The elite don't care. We have no control over the levers to make them care. Their contempt is as clear as day and yet the rationalization of failed democracy from corporate media is laughable. We must fucking revolt. What the fuck is left. The fear of the unknown is enough for us to accept fuck up answers. The answers that the elite are providing is bullshit. The scapegoating of working people. The exhalation of a rigged failed market driven capitalistic nightmare is nauseating. Fuck the whole system and all those that protect it with their fear, obedience and apathy. There is no need to protect this nightmare upon freedom is buried.
The deafening sound of silence
Whether it be the silent in my classrooms or the relative silence that echoes throughout our society. It is all so deafening. As we march towards more war under the guise of regime change or the disposal of bad people. What if your government is bad? What if your leaders are evil? What happens when you see through the self-righteousness which is simply guise that imperialism wears to fuck up the world? This noise is blaring in my ears every second of every day but the silence in my classrooms is deafening. I don't see any real resistance on the horizon. All I see is silence as we march in lockstep with a society intent of destruction. The baby boomers don't give a shit about 20 years from now because they don't expect to be here.
The powerful stole the remnants of democracy a long time ago. The leaders serve the interest of the corporations. These politicians have no concern for the masses. They are the epitome of naked self-interest at the expense of the collective. The elections our shame and the will of the people is continuously ignored. Revolt and pressure from the streets are the negotiation tools of the masses. Accept of the status quo simply allows for further confiscation of public wealth into privatized hands. These fucking leaders are corrupt and embarrassment. Fuck both parties and their stranglehold over discourse and their continued march towards further exploitation of the peasant class. Those barely hold on, close to oblivion with one bad break need to wrestle this corrupt system from the corrupt leaders pretending to govern. Revolt, is the only thing left.
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
The degradation of labor
Workers are all over the world are exploited. This is the context to view labor. If you do not own your labor them you're a slave to the whims and desires of forces outside your control. We are either in control or controlled. If you're controlled then there is no way for you to be free. Economic slavery is the model of capitalism. So, whenever you see workers you will see exploitation. Whether it be the exploitation of bodies, minds or spirits. Capitalism is intent to make robots out of us all. There is no escape imperialistic capitalism is a worldwide beast devouring everything in it's wake. The majority us live lives as victims of system that see us as replaceable. This truth leads us to seek escapism or to envision utopia. Utopia is simply a tool that the powerless created to soothe the reality that there they were born in a hierarchy where their struggle is invisible. Fuck the system. Or more realistically the system is fucking us.
Monday, October 9, 2017
The fact that we do not exert any power over the conditions we find intolerable says something about power. We allow for ourselves to be victim. Government is not god. Systems cannot save you. They will only serve to further exploit those that believe don't matter. The reality is there needs to be a resurgence of life. One must conquer the fear that they will die. Fear of death makes cowards of us all. To simply accept conditions we know are to our detriment. Somebody will win and someone will lose. What side will you be on.
Friday, October 6, 2017
punch clocks
We are so happy for Fridays. The crumbs of freedom is enough to satisfy those who punch clocks for a living. The way society is arranged is bullshit. This fucked up arrangement is the fall. The reality that heaven is of leisure while hell is a place of toil. This is the bad place. We punch clocks
ilusions is compulsion
Freedom is an illusion. You have choices given to you. What you really want does not matter? Is that something that we ever really think about? Most of the wisdom that is needed to make the right choices is given to you painfully after the fuck ups. So, hindsight is 20/20 but the shit in the rearview can't really be revisited. So, the reality is you can't do shit with the knowledge of the past. History is doomed to repeat or you could simply say that the fuck ups of history simply manifest in the possibilities of the future. The story is continuous and you do not get the luxury of cutting of one chapter. No, this shit is interconnected so the failures and the mistakes are etched as strongly as the victories.
Fake News
For the most part this shit has always been fake. The information was never designed to empower. It was always meant to shape a zombie population. We are the zombies and we are all walking slowly towards death clinging to the idea that something better exist after. I don't know how to wrap my head around the idea that utopia exist. It seems for more likely that human hands have built the vehicle of civilization and it will soon crash because the drivers of drunk off the alluring alcohol of hubris. Utopia is for those on the bottom who can't shake the notion of fairness. The belief that one deserves more is the biggest impediment to acceptance. I don't know if I know anyone who feels like they have gotten what they deserve. Even the ones who feel they have everything.
regular people
America is simply the vehicle for the interest of elites. Regular people don't matter. Societies have not progressed as far as they would like to believe. Those born on the bottom for the most part will remain at or near the bottom. The puppet governments for the true masterminds have no concern for us. We seek to this blunt reality by clinging to racial identities and wearing the mask of victims to wrestle concessions away from an apparatus that could give two fucks about our existence. At some point the regular people need to fucking revolt against the system that we were born into. The vehicles of the elite can't continue to trample over the regular people.
Money Tree Normalcy
The fact that payday loans shops are the norm. This should tell about the state of making it in America in 2017. The majority are not. They are will step away from poverty. This is a feudal system in 2017. The majority can purchase distraction to distract them from the reality that they are owned and will never work hard enough or have enough to buy their freedom. Money tree, that is funny because money does not grow on trees but debts does. This system is fucked and debt is at the end of the rigged economy rainbow. Stop seeking to escape and lie to yourself that this system can be changed. It cannot and it has most us shackled by the debt chains. The misery only alleviated by the allure of the trinkets to distract. This whole thing is fucked and we should stop pretending that it is not.
Wednesday, October 4, 2017
The implosion
Can the implosion of the NFL be seen as an implosion of corporate greed? The NFL has been dealing with the issue of never-ending expansion. The NFL network a money grab. Red Zone, which further stunts the miniscule attention span of the sports fan. The quality has diminished. The Brand has stifled the talents of the individuals. Individualism is destroyed in order to push some collectivist bullshit. These are things that can be seen as reasons behind the slow crumble of the NFL.
Friday, September 29, 2017
lobby or beg
Powerful people can lobby. Powerless people beg. What leverage do you have to coerce the powerful to treat you differently? No leverage means you simply resort to begging and pleading. The peasants in this economic caste system have no leverage. Economic boycotts ring hollow when the currency is not any real anymore. Revolt is reserved for the movie screens. We live vicariously through the characters on screen dreaming of being them because our real lives are controlled by the state.
no fucking clue
You can think you're free? The powerless are never free you just make choices from options giving by the powerful. You can't get out of the matrix because the notion of the matrix was introduced to you, you were already fucked. They have had us by the throat forever. They are the elites, those who consolidate wealth at our expense. Those that have built mechanisms to control our movements and our minds. They seek to trigger us and control our emotions. When they do this we lose sight of the big picture. The big picture is the economics of empire rarely change. the titles of the people on the bottom change but not much else. Whether it be serf, slave, peasant or worker your labor is either stolen our minimally valued. Your actions are still policed in a way because knowledge does not mean you can produce the key. We are trapped. We are not free. Getting free is simply some shit we tell ourselves to not go insane. I say let's get free but I don't have a fucking clue on how to do that.
empire moves
Empire moves the powerless to the fringe. Where survival is determined by chance. Any when you supposedly make the right choice you can find yourself struggling as the price of living steadily goes up. We really have very little freedom. This is the reason why escape is so alluring. Because they energy to deal with a bad hand make its sexy to fold. Are dream are folded up and put away for a rainy day. Truth be told it is raining everyday in terms empire
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
new politricks
The politics of the marginalized must change. You can't use the tools of the past because the mechanisms of the powerful are constantly adapted to the same clarion calls for inclusion. It becomes problematic when your desire for inclusion is used to simply further marginalize you. Do you not see that your ploys are simply strengthening the plot against you. You not be smarter in the condescending manner. No you must be smarter in the sense that what will seem to work must be discarded for approach that will work in the sense of making things legit 20 years from now. The forest of tomorrow is planted by the seeds of today. The way the marginal plant has to be changed if tomorrow will not be wiped by the mechanisms of the powerful.
stolen lives
They have stolen lives and yet they continue to steal. Their lives can never experience the richness. There are born into a black-white television forced to navigates the limits. Never seeing beyond color or the beauty of color because the black-white paradigm is really only understood through it's limits. The limited reality of existence in the midst of empires can be maddening. Forced to drift towards to distractions because the simplicity that one calls for seems so out of reach. So, we recreate existence hopefully we can give birth to different outcomes. Only to see that the pitfalls can't be escaped.
politics of resentment
The politics of white resentment are so very powerful. What do whites have to be resentful about? Or more importantly, who are whites resentful of? Why this incessant need to keep blacks in their place. Why do white fashion out victim mentality out of their oppression of blacks? Like the N-Word blacks are not even allowed to have their victimization. The madness that ensue from the realization that their are no happy endings. No release, the build up of rage, anger, despair finds no outlet because these feelings have been stolen and worn by those who have never had the pain that fashioned the feelings in the first place.
slave syndrome
Slave syndrome. In my last post I was crying for calls of unity. This is slave syndrome. The desire to unite with those that have no interested in united with you. This call for acceptance from a system that is incapable of fully accepted you is cowardice. Slave syndrome produces bleak outcomes for the marginalized. If the end goal is some utopia that allows for all systems and ways of life to reflect the white norm, then you don't get it. You don't get how deep the brainwashing goes. If everything you have learned takes you away from the basic truths, then you're a simply a tool of the furthering of the system that is created out of the blood of your ancestors. History is made of the conquerors and the conquered and the conquered can never be friends with a system that makes gods out of the conquerors. Reason being, the conquered then have no choice but to worship the conquered. They love of them will be spectacle. Fuck, I must wake up from the slave syndrome. There is no happy ending for the conquered in the land of the conquerors.
Monday, September 25, 2017
Who will stand for unity? Discord at time can be self-righteous. Who will heal? At some the peacemakers will be blessed. At some point the sounds of conflict will be met with a different tune. A Chorus of something that seeks to reach a place that it seems we have no interested in going anymore. And that is anyplace together. Unity is so much more peaceful than conflict. What will be chosen.
Saturday, September 23, 2017
America the sinking racial ship
the racial politics of the president have to be called out. The divisive us vs them rhetoric is tool to strengthen a fragile whiteness that feels it is under attack. Fox News and the conservative media machine is essential in stoking the fear of white rage. It is maddening because the tricks that have worked for centuries continue to be digested by fearful people. Fear is a stronger tool for unity than love will ever be. America is going down and it will be because of the fragility of whiteness.
Friday, September 22, 2017
I wish the cops killing black people mattered more? I wish systems and institutions that we sworn to protect saw black bodies as worthy of protection? I wish that I could do more than wish for the betterment of black people? I wish that to be marginalized was not normalized through years of oppression. I wish I was a little be taller, I wish I was a baller but truthfully wishing does not change things. Wishing is just a coping mechanism not to go mad. You see the current reality is maddening and there is no way to accept that shit. You can simply numb yourself to it's impact. The impact of wishing and praying has not created a reality where for black people it is still not necessary to wish and pray. Maybe, someday that will change but truthfully I don't really think so.
Your a commodity, I am a commodity we are all fucking for sale
Capitalism forces us to live like commodities. We live our lives showing our value in order to secure wages that allow for survival. We survive by being good commodities. Everything is for sale are defined in ways for consumption. The issues there does not seem to be a way out. You just sale have to whore yourself out. Turn yourself into a brand. Have nothing authentic because even the idea of being authentic is a profitable brand. How the fuck did we get here? Maybe, how is not even that fucking important but why. More importantly, is there a way out of this fucking thing? Does anyway else envision a life not frame by our ability to sell? Is there something else for us beyond the realm of commodification?
walking through danger
Have we normalized the threats? Have we normalized the insane positions of a leader unfit to lead? We does it seem that we have resigned ourselves to the whims of the powerful? War and the declarations of war should not be entered in with arrogance and hubris. We the people, cannot allow for the pride of the foolishness to ensnare the masses. The power elite do no deserve to be making the decisions for the people. They are nothing more than power-hungry war-mongers. If there is god why has given so much power to evil people? Why would he allow a framework that make it difficult to believe in their presence. I say their because why the assumption that god is male? We are lost and the people that are leading are even more wayward.
Thursday, August 3, 2017
ape shit
Society tells us lies from the beginning. We are lied to then we lie to others. We convince that suffering under an empire that is indifferent to our concerns is normal. What the fuck is the hold up? Why are we so afraid to fucking demand more for our lives. Death is certain an the zombie type existence that passes for life might as well be death. Fear is the tool of the powerful to make us cowards of obedience. The people in power are liars. They pretend but are simply using jargon to masked their naked self-interest. Why am I or we for whoever this resonates with so afraid to just fucking go ape shit against the system. Why is comfort suck a fucking numbing prison?
the trap
The student loan trap. Society is set up in so many way to trap its citizens who are seen as nothing more than consumers. The goal is tie debt and force of into wage slavery that only solidifies our obedience. The American system of crony capitalism and the peddling of misinformation leads to misery for the masses. The system is grotesque in its deception. The people deserve more than to simply be debt slaves or wage slaves or simply slaves to the lies of consumerism. Fuck the system. It nothing to cherish and it cannot be redeemed. Transformation to a place where we can really breath is essential. This will not occur with wide scale revolt .
Monday, July 31, 2017
The political system is not broken it just works the way it would you design to. I don't think public leadership is a thing we all seem to be pretty self-serving. Governance is simple a oppression. We should all be able to do what the fuck we want and simply leave with the consequences. The notion that government are some entity knows better is bullshit. Let people do what they fuck they want. Everything we are told from the school system is one of complete and utter mind control. We learn very early on that we should not trust ourselves that living for others is glorious. The messages of the world are full of shit.
seem to think
We all seem to think that the world should reflect our truth. That we have the answer to the way things should be. Is self-righteousness simply beat into our D.N.A? I wonder? I am not above this notion that I have an answer for the world problems. When in reality, I don't know how to change any of the shit that really matters. We seem stuck and the lies that we have been told about our importance only make shit harder. The world does not give a fuck what you think. They are some people who will care. The are people who your actions and words may mean the world to but the larger external world does not give a fuck.
Tuesday, July 25, 2017
Why special
We have been utterly convinced of our specialness. Of the entitlements that show flow to us because we are here. The privileges we ignore or never enough to soothe the ego of more. Almost everything it seems we have been told could be considered a lie or at best the truth for someone else. We are seemingly alone in our lives while we make the assumptions that others can fulfill or answer the inner questions that seem to have no answers.
Thursday, July 6, 2017
eager for war
Why are the people in charge so eager for war? How do those of without the power to determine the directions of nations have to be victims of greedy people eager for destruction to feed their egos? We deserve more maybe that is why we cling to the hope of god. Who can help us as so many of us are forced to be victims of empire. Will anyone remember us? What can we do to say that the decisions being made in our name are detrimental to our collective humanity?
Monday, July 3, 2017
mindless structures
We are pushing through the mindless structures set up to ensure our slavery. Slaves to the state. Slaves to the norm, Slaves to the conventional wisdom that was designed to ensure that we would never question. All the structures that keep the house of cards of float are based on lies. The shit is all a lie and we get lied to from birth until death. Only a few will live courageous lives most simply follow paths of fear and create justifications for why this cowardice deserved to be called something else.
arrival at the shit storm
Have did we arrive at this point politically? This shit is a sad joke the seeds for this joke where planted when the notion of racial progress was evident. So, now here we are in this fucked up place pretending it is not fucked up or to high, drunk or self-indulgent to care or maybe the caring leads you to get high or drunk. You can know something is fucked up that does not mean you have any power to change it. What we know and what we can do inhabit to entirely different worlds.
The shit all feels like noise as people have become convinced that they know what is right. So, ultimately what is the reward for thinking one is right I guess power so this is all a search for meaning that is connected to holding onto to ideas that secure your position. This shit is utter noise and shutting off the noise is the only way to stay insane. I say insane because the sane so to have normalized the noise and the bullshit.
Thursday, June 29, 2017
fucked over
They fucked us over. Or we fucked ourselves because our consciousness was so low. Why do not only learn freedom when the chains become so tight. Why does life not provides us lessons before the experience because once we have experience then those lessons simply become painful of examples of how things would be better if we had known.
The government is to big to lead? The government is not an entity of protection they have simply been the instrument to play to songs of the artist of capitalism. So, us in the audience have to listen to the same tracks of the free market. We are fucked and they provide us with all type of drugs to numb to the painful nature of life that is orchestrated we you don't have any real control of the shit you care about.
What can we do?
It seems that we have institutionalized cruelty or is the marketplace simple a place where feelings don't matter. It does not seem to matter how many suffer we just fall back on personal responsibility but does society hold not blame? The shit is so fucked the way that the powerful make decisions for in there best interest in the interest of the perpetually screwed are moved to side lines in the game of life they simply we have to wait for the after life. Why is shit so fucked and more importantly what can really do about it.
Friday, June 16, 2017
You got to put words in disguises because without them words laid bare expose sadness. Truth, what does that even mean? We cling to clichés but the power to live is elusive. Shit, even these words sound like weak attempts to be authentic. Maybe, anytime we use words we are simply constructing lies because we can't interpret how we feel. What it to fuel and who can understand? How can we communicate without the tired attempts to speak?
Life seems to be more about lost than gain. This could simply be the vantage point. Pointing in directions that never lead to clear destinations. Maybe, there are not destinations not to be existential but is this not a crisis? It feels like dystopia has been normalized as Hollywood put the bug in our ear years ago. They just fed us an exaggerated picture so that the present day would be accepted. Shit, this is not say we accept it with no protest just that protest has become a relic it not longer has the power to be anything other food for media vultures that have no interest in producing legitimate content to feed the masses. Nah, we have a diet of pointless takes so we take them for granted never dissecting how this diet can ultimately lead to ruin. Shit, we might already be in the ruin and we have simply adapted to it.
Truthfully, searching for feelings. They numbed us into acceptance. We can't even touch or get in touch with feelings. They dehumanized us into robots and I guess that was the plan as we are easy to control and we have become convinced that we are woke with amounts to nothing more than artificial intelligence.
Yeah, it's crazy how spectacle has become specifically normalized in the midst of America. We long for reality shows as they show us how to live and what to aspire to. We lost, not argument there but the compass to get us back to place of sanity seems buried under lies and false paths. God, if she can here us is struggling with answers just like earthly mothers that suffer in silence as the world bruising theirs kids. We all our ultimately kids even though we grow.
Friday, May 12, 2017
back to basics
The court is in session and it seems that we will resort back to a court where black and brown people will be back to being exploited by the game of mass incarceration. They incarcerate in order to lacerate any possibilities of liberation.
Do people love of simply the projections they place on you. You are not real to most just a figment of their imaginations. As they imagine what their life would be with the projected you. You see we are seemingly invisible because what is visible distorts projections and projections soothe the souls of those constantly looking for something.
Tuesday, May 9, 2017
my place
This can't be life. Nah, this is it as notions that it can't be are only possible when you feel that you deserve more. I am not sure that is the case. Shit I am not sure what I am sure of and truthfully that is always been my place.
we write
We write hoping that our words will cement the legacy that lived lives will not. Not in some bleak realization. Only in the sense that in the midst of the real shit, shit is bleak. Bleak outlooks as you grow older and realize death is on the horizon.
Wednesday, February 8, 2017
false claims
Claiming purity but steadily losing purity contest no contest I am fucked. Fucked, not in a depressing sense just in the sense that I can't get right. Righteousness, seems to be out of my reach so I reach for a brokenness that seems more authentic.
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