Tuesday, September 26, 2017

slave syndrome

Slave syndrome. In my last post I was crying for calls of unity. This is slave syndrome. The desire to unite with those that have no interested in united with you. This call for acceptance from a system that is incapable of fully accepted you is cowardice. Slave syndrome produces bleak outcomes for the marginalized. If the end goal is some utopia that allows for all systems and ways of life to reflect the white norm, then you don't get it. You don't get how deep the brainwashing goes. If everything you have learned takes you away from the basic truths, then you're a simply a tool of the furthering of the system that is created out of the blood of your ancestors. History is made of the conquerors and the conquered and the conquered can never be friends with a system that makes gods out of the conquerors. Reason being, the conquered then have no choice but to worship the conquered. They love of them will be spectacle. Fuck, I must wake up from the slave syndrome. There is no happy ending for the conquered in the land of the conquerors.

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