Friday, December 10, 2010
What does Love of Country Look Like?
"I love America more than any country in the world, and, exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually"... James Baldwin
Monday, December 6, 2010
Middle Class Aspirations
It might surprised some but I don't hold middle class aspirations. I don't aspire to the social rewards that society has laid out for those that follow the rules. Middle class aspirations are connected to the perpetuation of the privilege of American values. Sadly, these values seem to be above critique and collectively we steadily accepted the values as the common sense approach to life. However, I believe that there is more to life than the accumulation of worthless materials and self-depreciating commodities. Life should be rooted in seeking to create a sustainable way of life for all of humanity. This reality cannot be created as long as the inhabitants of the most privileged country on earth are continuously motivated by the allure of excess. So, no I do not aspire to the cleverly crafted American dream because I cannot in good conscience sleep peacefully when I know my dream is creating an endless nightmare for others.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Carrying the Cross
Sadly, it seems that we've been conditioned to believe that the carrying of the cross requires no sacrifice. Masses of Christians have been taught to believe the example of Christ is simply a cautionary tale and not a blueprint for our lives.When we were admonished to not love the world we stubbornly resisted. Choosing rather to embrace the sanitized version of Christ where he serves as nothing more than a genie who grants our wishes.We have contaminated the message of Christ with capitalistic themes.Seeking to align the message of Christ with the elite. Hoping that this alignment will relinquish us from the call of sacrifice that we've most certainly been called to. Truthfully, we must begin to acknowledge that carrying our cross does not lead us into the comfort of privilege but yet pushes us on the path of self-sacrifice. We are expected to challenge the stagnate culture that seeks to engulf humanity in webs of socially induced narcissism. Our cross cannot be an accessory it must fundamentally transform us into revolutionaries for justice. Will we allow for our cross to alter the direction of our lives? Or we will simply allow for our cross to be an afterthought on our journey towards capitalistic defined models of success? The choice is ours what will we choose?
Monday, November 29, 2010
The truth is that ignorance is more convenient. It does not force us to come to grips with the newly created world that has emerged on our watch. No,ignorance can remain unchallenged as the drug of choice for those who seek to retreat from the harsh realities that demand our attention. Sadly, we basked in our collective anti-intellectualism because it allows for us to remain free from the perils of choices.Consciousness is revolting for those who fear their own shadows.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
The In the Crowd
Who is in the in crowd? This is a question that we should ask because for most it dictates their actions. As they struggle to desperately belong to the manufactured in crowd their self-esteem is forever connected to a sense of belonging. However, this belonging is forever fleeting because there is no profit in belonging, the profit emerges from selling to those who have been convinced of their meaningless that meaning can be found in products. Products, that can change the way you look,feel and most importantly change the way others view you. It is this cultural phenomenon that entangles the masses. Lost souls looking for meaning are perfect victims for companies that acquire riches through selling solutions to the socially manipulated masses that are forever in search of belonging. The question is when will will critical voices emerge and challenge the corrupt ideas that are entangling generations to a system that convinces them of their sickness and amasses great wealth in selling them the cure. We must open our eyes and wake up to the lies that are destroying our humanity. Let's Get Free!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
At some Point
At some point the cries of a suffering humanity will no longer be muted by our collective apathy.
As Americans we should ask ourselves the question have we ever rejected the narrative? Has the belief that America is exceptional and that we were placed on the hill to be a beacon of hope for the rest of the world made us complicit in the misery of certain segments of the world population? Is it our willingness to accept the narrative as truth essentially what allows for us to turn a blind eye to the suffering of the world? As we seem all to willing to accept that suffering and misery are necessary evils in a broken world. However, the perpetuation of brokenness is connected to our socially constructed individualized stupors. We cannot see beyond our own dreams and ambitions. Our lives are lived in solitary because community is not a marketable commodity for capitalistic elites. The question is what will we do? What generation will stand and create an alternate path towards a new narrative based on liberation and equality?
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
There comes in time when we must recognize that those who desire to change the American system cannot expect to enjoy the benefits of that system. Ultimately, we must choose what will be the arc of our life? Will we embrace the selfish ideas that are so conveniently intertwined with our notions of independence? Or will refrain from the seductive embrace of rugged individualism and recognize that life is measured by the health of our communal relationships. We are in this together and it is only when we begin to struggle, fight and resist together that true freedom is possible. The question is can we turn from the good life that has been so conveniently packaged by corporate entities? They have sought to convince us that the good life is one that is unattached and that caring is a barrier to freedom. Unless, we can challenge the notions of freedom that destroy the bonds of community and leave in its places pockets of individuals trying to find happiness on their own freedom will continue to elude the masses. Let's Get Free!
Saturday, November 6, 2010
More School Please!
It seems that in times of angst about the future or the general feelings of meaningless that characterizes so much of the American life people seek more schooling. Is the rush to school a move towards liberation or a retreat because society has limited answers? This is an essential question that we must ask because it seems that school is defined as the last bastion of hope in an ever increasingly hopeless world. However, is school the answer or is it simply used as tool of pacification? It seems that the issues of meaningless, confusion and angst that lie at the foundation of American life must be addressed. School is another corporate sponsored prison that shackles us to a debt system that forces our allegiance to a corrupt system. We must reject the notion of school if our reason for seeking admittance into its privileged doors is to escape from the harsh realities of the real world. Education must be a tool to eradicate the harsh realities that leave so many suffering under the boot of corporate oppression. Sadly, it seems that school is simply a vehicle that many seek to ride to the good life not recognizing that those that sponsored the good life or the same ones endorsing the debt induced decisions to acquire more meaningless pieces of paper.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
The Lost of Privilege
How do we respond to the idea that America privilege is waning? That the lifestyles that we have taken for granted and the accommodations we have classified as birthright are slowly passing away? These are the questions we must wrestle with as we live in the time of America's decline. We must decide what kind of nation will we be, will the uncertainty and fear of the unknown create in us a new awareness that will allow for us to finally see the suffering of our fellow brothers and sisters? Or will fear cause us to become hardened and fueled with anger at the disappearance of our unearned privilege? These are the questions that will define us,who will we be? I hope that a new perspective will be born and that our collective indifference will be replaced with a consciousness that fuels real change. It is time for us to make a choice will the loss of our privilege allow for us to abandon our false ideas about our exceptionalism or will we simply harden our hearts to the rest of the world. The choice is ours and hopefully we can choose correctly. Let's Get Free!
Friday, October 15, 2010
If I Ruled the World
If I Ruled The World the mission would be simple. The mission would begin with destroying the idea that societal induced suffering is acceptable in a civilized society. Our lives would become more than exercises in narcissism and we would be motivated by the greater good as opposed to what's good for us. Apathy would no longer engulf the masses and empathy would become the way of the world. More importantly, If I Ruled The World those who suffer in silence outside the spotlight of American cameras would have their voices heard. Their pain would be the foundation for reconciliation and humanity would be restored through our ability to recognize our roles in the perpetuation of destruction and misery. Men and women would begin to communicate in a way that created true partnerships instead of embracing infantile competitions for power. Difference would not be demonized but uplifted and revered in our society. Lastly, If I Ruled The World there would be no need to fight for justice because its presence would be the norm and peace and prosperity would emboldened our democracy. Let's Get Free!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Bourgeois Idealism = Fake Shit
We must be on guard against the ways success has become a vital tool of the oppressors/ Our desires and ideas of what the good life means have been defined by corporations that desire to keep us chasing dreams that keep us forever enslaved to the larger American system. Whether it is the pursuit of fast cars, big houses, or designer clothes, the commercialized commodities that characterize so much of the American dream are nothing more than the figments of culture sought to distract from the truth. The question remains, what is the truth? The truth is that freedom does not derive from the unnecessary accumulation of meaningless materials, but from a repudiation of those things. When we no longer allow for the rewards of a corrupt system to silence our voice and control our revolutionary spirit, that is the moment when the possibility of true freedom emerges. Let's Get Free!
Friday, October 8, 2010
It's on Us!
The struggle for change extends beyond political seasons. True change begins when we allow for our lifestyles to be forever altered by consciousness. When we recognize that the struggle for change must be communal in nature. And that as individuals we will eventually tire in the face of stagnate forces that desperately covet the stationary presence of the status quo. The possibility of true change begins and ends with us. Our elevated voices or our disheartening silence will ultimately determine if change is possible or if it is simply rhetoric to be trotted out with the ever changing political seasons. Let's Get Free!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Racism Made Me Do it
How do we navigate an American system still infested with the disease of racism while recognizing the power of our own choices in shaping our destiny? This is a question that we must struggle with because for some, the presence of racism has become a convenient excuse and has allowed for us to abadon personal responsability and fall into the embrace of self-destructive life style choices. We can never be blind to the reality that racism still seeks to stifle the potential of so many. However, we must never allow for the presence of racism to be an immovable object that precipitates the acceptance of failure. We must attack the insidious nature of racism with our courageous attempts to be excellent in the face of tremendous odds. When we do this, we weaken the hold that racism seems to have around the mind and limbs of so many of our people. Let's Get Free!
Friday, September 24, 2010
No Title
We must be aware of the ways that the allure of conformity can thwart revolutionary responses. The American way of life is constructed to crush individuality and eliminate difference. To ostracize those that cannot stomach the hypocrisy that lies at the foundation of the American way of life. So to those I say, continue to stand in defiance of conformity and the ways it seeks to invade our private lives. We must continue to fight against entities that seek to create monolithic monsters that define for the masses what life should look like. Our lives must if nothing else be struggles against those that seek to redefine freedom through oppressive motifs. Life's essence begins to diminish when we lose sight of what really matters. The struggle continues even if most ignore its consistent presence.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
What Happens
What happens when our apathy turns into a weapon for the oppressors in their war against the oppressed? When the silence from our inactivity speaks louder than the most memorizing speech? These are the questions that we must ask because at times it seems that evil has righteousness in a choke hold. And at times our lack of passion can be disheartening. Maybe, it is not our lack of passion but simply our lack of courage to truly challenge the evil entities that continuously corrupt the principals that American stands on? You see, those that stand for justice cannot inherit the legacy of freedom fighters if they our unwilling to fight. True fighters recognize that the acceptance of injustice is the ultimate crime because it highlights a spirit of fear. We cannot be afraid to stand when no one else is standing. We must be true to the mission of those that embrace the struggle. That the eradication of oppression is the only goal and that there can be no concession when it comes to the issue of Liberation. Let's Get Free!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Words of the Movement
These words define the movement. The movement begins when we recognize our conditions and begin to agitate for more. The struggle can only begin when we unite on themes and notions based on selflessness. Our struggle is truly righteous and to create a seismic shift in the way the world operates is the goal. It might not be possible but the goal is to not be bound by the conventions of what's possible but to struggle to envision a picture of humanity worth fighting for. Lets Get Free!
These words define the movement. The movement begins when we recognize our conditions and begin to agitate for more. The struggle can only begin when we unite on themes and notions based on selflessness. Our struggle is truly righteous and to create a seismic shift in the way the world operates is the goal. It might not be possible but the goal is to not be bound by the conventions of what's possible but to struggle to envision a picture of humanity worth fighting for. Lets Get Free!
Monday, September 6, 2010
Silent Salutes
At times it is easy to silently salute corruption. To allow for the magnitude of injustice to overwhelm one into a passive acceptance of those things that damage the soul. It is difficult to not become convinced that oppression and inequality are staples of society and will forever scar the tapestry of our humanity. However, we must be aware of the way that fatalism has become an essential component of our culture used to ensure our inactivity. Thus,we must recognize that the power to change society lies in the presence of motivated people. It is imperative to see that the ghost of oppression and evil grow by our unwillingness to challenge their presence.Ultimately, we can challenge these entities by the way that we choose to live our lives. Our struggle against the status quo will speak to those who are afraid to break from the shackles of conformity. Let's Get Free!
Friday, September 3, 2010
Good Hair
Can we get others to see our beauty if we don't believe in that beauty ourselves? Black Beauty has long been ignored and devalued to the point were countless young brothers and sisters are raised in environments that teach anti-black ideologies. So we must be honest about the seeds of inferiority sowed into the very soil of the black community. It is this reality that sets the stage for the countless identity issues that black people face in a world hostile to their very existence. So there must be a challenge to an American system that seeks to indoctrinate black people with ideas that make them hostile to themselves. As long as the African American community is defining itself by white standards issues of Good Hair will continue to plague our communities. At some point we must redefine ourselves on our terms in order to break free from the shackles of self-hate that seek to cripple any possibilities for liberation. Let's Get Free
Thursday, September 2, 2010
To Never Tire
To never tire in the struggle for liberation is the mission. It is imperative to not faint even though it seems like injustice is forever gaining traction. Although, the misery of the masses continues and fractures continue to create cracks in our supposed democracy. We must continue to be moved by the idea that liberation and radical change are possible. To hold onto this belief one must recognize the courageousness of the task to embrace revolutionary consciousness in the midst of apathetic times. It is not easy but necessary and we must recognize that their must always be lights of consciousness that continually light the path towards freedom for those brothers and sisters that still grapple in the dark for meaning. So, let's remain vigilant in the face of grotesque social evil and hold onto the idea that the time for revolution is near. Let's Get Free!
Friday, August 27, 2010
Get Free From What?
When I speak of getting free I wonder at times if people ask the question, getting free from what? I know for many America represents a place where extreme privilege is birthright and the idea that there is more and that we should strive beyond our own ambitions is insane. However, it is this very mindset that I am seeking to get free from. A mindset that perpetuates selfishness and indifference and makes true change impossible. True freedom cannot be attained without extreme sacrifice and the current American ideology diminishes the importance of sacrifice. So, when I say Let's Get Free I am saying lets break from the apathy and indifference that makes the idea of change nothing more than political jargon to be espoused by those that think revolution is a seasonal occupation that livens up there otherwise cushy lives. Let's become more consciousness and recognize that with consciousness there must come a change in our outlook and our actions. IT IS TIME TO WAKE UP!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
An Apathetic State
How do we struggle against entities that remain invisible? This is the question of the twenty first century as the blatant arm of racism has been replaced by a more devious adaptation that relies on systematic bigotry to keep order while seeking to reserve the luxury of privilege to remain in the hands of a few. This new form of oppression requires that we sharpen our vision to detect the persistent brutality of this invisible monster. We cannot allow for that which remains hidden to lull us into a mind state where we begin to minimize evils presence. America is infested with the disease of racism and the appearance of remission does not mean that we have completely healed from the damages of racism and the ways it has ravaged our democracy. No, it requires that we remain pro-active in the struggle to make America a more just society for everyone. Let's Get Free
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Malcolm X
"Revolutions are based upon bloodshed. Revolutions are never compromising. Revolutions are never based upon negotiations. Revolutions are never based upon any tokenism whatsoever. Revolutions are never even based upon that which is begging a corrupt society or a corrupt system to accept us into it. Revolutions overturn systems. And there is no system on this earth which has proven itself more corrupt, more criminal, than this system that in 1964 still colonizes 22 million African Americans, still enslaves millions of Afro-Americans. There is no system more corrupt than a system that represents itself as the example of freedom, the example of democracy, and can go all over this earth telling other people how to straighten out their house, when you have citizens of this country who have to use bullets if they want to cast ballot."
The Black Revolution
Malcolm X
The Black Revolution
Malcolm X
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Struggle, Change, Complacency
The struggle for freedom cannot take place when the masses refuse to recognize the conditions that keep them in captivity. Complacency in the midst of materialistic lifestyles makes the possibility of change comical. We have been groomed to be the silent witnesses to the imperialistic ambitions of those who covet world domination. The wretched conditions of most are confined to sound bites that don't register concern on the narcissistic soundtracks that govern our lives. While the majority of the world experiences a nightmare due to the unsustainability of our American dreams it seems that we could care less. We must wake up! However, before we can wake up we have to collectively acknowledge the ways in which we have been asleep. More importantly, at some point we have to recognize there is more to life than Party and Bullshit! Let's Get Free!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
The Victims of American ideology
The dreams and perpetuated illusions of upward mobility stifle revolutionary action. We are all victims of American dogma. The liberal themes of hard work and determination distort the true picture of America. America,is a corrupt plantation that seeks to ensure servitude for the masses and prosperity for a few. History is the greatest teacher, and as we continue to see the declining economic stability of the American worker and the unprecedented wealth generated for ceo's and greedy corporations we are left with one realization: The American dream is for a few an the American nightmare is for most. The question is what do we do? How do we destroy an American system that exploits the people? First, we must recognize that individualism is the endorsed political ideology of the elite because it makes solidarity impossible. Solidarity is essential if we are to overcome the larger social vices that seek to confine the lives of the masses to nothing more than exercises in survival. The lives of most should not be defined as "getting by" the people deserve more and the only way to gain more is by agitating for more. We must always remember power concedes nothing without demand. Let's Get Free!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
No Title
We must be on guard as critical consciousness becomes a causality in Americas war to dumb down its people. Ignorance is the greatest tool of the oppressor in the proliferation of corruption. It is vital that we recognize how we have been complicit in the maintenance of inequality. The questionable practices of the powerful are only able to sustain themselves because we have been appallingly silent. Our critical consciousness has been replaced with an outgrowth of unchecked egotism that has corrupted our ability to see beyond our own narrow self-interest. While we have fallen under the spell of extreme selfishness the destructive actions of those in power has gone unchecked. Couple this with the acceptance and systematic maintenance of anti-intellectualism truth is no longer visible. We must regain our voice and begin to challenge the sources of world misery. We must break from the shackles of individualism and embrace a communal ethic. This is the only way that change for the masses can occur. We can struggle together or perish alone the choice is ours.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Dear Hip-Hop
Dear Hip-Hop,
I am writing to you as a concerned citizen. I recognize your global impact and your ability to paint a new picture of blackness. With this being said, I feel that you have lost your revolutionary voice and have begun to highlight historically racist views of black people. I am simply asking why? Why when you have the ability to transform and challenge the historical depictions of the disenfranchised do you glamorize them for profit? Is material privilege really worth damaging countless lives, lives that search for meaning through Hip-Hop? I know that some will say there are larger culprits that have no concern for the disenfranchised and seek to package black buffoonery to ensure their privileged lifestyles. However, I must say that it is the faces that we see on the television that have the most impact. It is your fictional tales of the drug life that inspire countless young males to re-interpret the American Dream through the embrace of illegal economies. It is your words that set the foundation for how young men and women view themselves. I am simply asking when consciousness will re-enter the conversation? When will profit not dictate that artist abandon responsibility and sacrifice their soul on the alter of Stardom? Hip-Hop has the power to be the soundtrack for revolution or it can continue to be the lyrical barrier to communal consciousness. The choice is yours, millions of people wait to hear you decision.
I am writing to you as a concerned citizen. I recognize your global impact and your ability to paint a new picture of blackness. With this being said, I feel that you have lost your revolutionary voice and have begun to highlight historically racist views of black people. I am simply asking why? Why when you have the ability to transform and challenge the historical depictions of the disenfranchised do you glamorize them for profit? Is material privilege really worth damaging countless lives, lives that search for meaning through Hip-Hop? I know that some will say there are larger culprits that have no concern for the disenfranchised and seek to package black buffoonery to ensure their privileged lifestyles. However, I must say that it is the faces that we see on the television that have the most impact. It is your fictional tales of the drug life that inspire countless young males to re-interpret the American Dream through the embrace of illegal economies. It is your words that set the foundation for how young men and women view themselves. I am simply asking when consciousness will re-enter the conversation? When will profit not dictate that artist abandon responsibility and sacrifice their soul on the alter of Stardom? Hip-Hop has the power to be the soundtrack for revolution or it can continue to be the lyrical barrier to communal consciousness. The choice is yours, millions of people wait to hear you decision.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Death of Patriarchy
If black men and women are ever to truly reconcile there must be a repudiation of patriarchy on behalf of black males. It is essential that black men recognize that the role of a women is to not simply submit and be subjugated to the domination of a man. This idea is detrimental to real partnership and creates a rift in personal relationships. Patriarchy also provides a sense of entitlement amongst men and makes them weary and skeptical of strong women. In actuality in some ways patriarchy creates an environment were the strength of a women is to be viewed with disdain and wanton disregard. If black men do not challenge the patriarchy in their own lives then the possibility of creating real bonds of love between black men and women will become extremely difficult to create and maintain.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Inconvenient Truth
It seems at times that we gravitate towards convenience and ignore unpopular positions because we desire the warmth of conformity and mass acceptance. This is one of those times. Truthfully, America will never fulfill its immense potential as long as the issue of racism is conveniently categorized as a figment of black people's imagination. Racism is real and it still seeks to wraps its destructive limbs around the collective minds and bodies of black people. This is truth and Americas consistent inability to recognize this truth makes progress impossible. We cannot ignore those truths which make us uncomfortable and attempt to sweep them under the collective rug of our consciousness. No we must deal with the reality that progress is not achieved simply because we allow ourselves to be blind to the persistence of truth. Americas warm embrace of a lie keeps us trapped in a reality were many Americans are forced to wear the corrupt blinders of American dogma and cannot truly envision freedom. The day when America can truly look itself in the mirror and recognizes its flaws, is a day when we began to embrace truth over convenience. Until then we will remain a country that hides its imperfections and is continuously enamored with a false image. Let's Get Free!
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Lebron James "white property"
At times in America there is a willingness on behalf of most of us to ignore the truth because of its ability to make us uncomfortable. It is difficult to come to grips with the reality that we have not come as far as we would like to think. That the path towards true freedom for all of us is a long way off and that we still must courageously resist the insidious nature of racism in all its forms. This is one of those times. The despicable treatment of Lebron James by Cleveland fans and their Owner is cloaked in the latent racist themes that still characterize so much of America. The notion that the Cavaliers or the city of Cleveland owned Lebron James is deeply problematic. However, this reality pales in comparison to the ways Lebron has been characterized by the Cavalier owner Dan Gilbert. Gilbert has defined Lebron as "narcissistic" and "cowardly" simply because Lebron had the nerve to make a business decision that he felt would benefit him and his family. It is not Gilbert's frustration that is troubling it is the arrogance that is embedded in the outrage. It speaks to American History, and how throughout that history African Americans have been expected to be forever humble and deferential in their relations with whites. This vicious paternalism that characterizes so much of white black relations is intertwined with the turbulent history of America. Lebron is nobodies property and attacks cloaked in the idea that he belonged to Cleveland should be resisted on all fronts. African Americans must be vigilant in challenging the ways racism still seeks to define so much of our lives. It does not matter how rich or famous we become, to some we will always be property and ignoring this history or explaining it away with post-racial rhetoric does not make us progressive no it simply makes us HOUSE NIGGAS! To my comrades in the struggles as always Lets Get Free!
Saturday, June 26, 2010
How do we start a revolution? More importantly, do we want a revolution? Do we want a change to the American way of life? Or are we content to complain knowing that complaining is as far as our activist engagement will go? These are the questions that we must ask and ultimately answer. Truthfully, many of us do not have the stomach for revolution or the desire to see real change. The life of American luxury has smothered the voice of resistance and institutionalized revolutionaries. The idea of change has become commodified and is sold to the masses as a bumper sticker not a lifestyle. However, for those who desire revolution they must recognize it is not easy and is not sanctioned by the elite. Revolution requires real sacrifice and an undying love for the people. Revolution is not easy but definitely necessary. To all my comrades in the struggle I say Let's Get Free!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
The Death of Indifference
It is critical that we see the way indifference is the essential foundation for exploitation to flourish. This is not to suggest that indifference is natural, no it is cultivated through propaganda. Propaganda is disseminated through mass media, a mass media that destroys critical consciousness and is fueled by profit so the key to killing indifference is to critically challenge the ways in which we are socially lulled to sleep by a media content to destroy our passion. It is essential that we destroy the belief that change is impossible, a belief that creates a culture of helplessness that gives birth to perpetual feelings of indifference amongst the masses. It is imperative that we create safe spaces where we can begin to build consciousness, consciousness is the key to transforming indifference to concern, concern for a world that is desperate for new voices, new voices that can articulate new visions for justice. Let's Get Free!
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Ignorance is Bliss
Are we afraid to embrace consciousness? Is it easier to remain on the sidelines and not try to understand the problems of the world? To be enamored with the idea that change is impossible therefore leaving us off the hook for the ways in which we choose to live our lives? There seems to be some truth in the phrase ignorance is bliss, we seem content to embrace apathy and to be conveniently distracted by trivial pursuits. I am not judging simply wondering what would the world look like if we collectively regained consciousness? A world where the cool kids were the ones who had radical opinions. A world where those who had convictions were not labeled close-minded. A world where worth was not defined by materials. I wonder if we are even interested in a world that would look so vastly different than the world we currently inhabit? Are we so convinced of our exceptionalism that its impossible to imagine another way? Or have we simply cloaked ourselves in the warm blanket of ignorance so that we don't have to be held responsible for the atrocities that happened on our watch? What do you think?
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
The American Way
Can we change the American way of life? Are the values and ideas of America so interwoven with intense capitalism and stubborn individualism that change is impossible? It would seem that the possibility of change is not possible without detaching collectively from questionable values.However, the question remains what does it mean to change our world? Is it the act of simply changing our condition or does it require more? I am convinced that the changing of our condition must be connected to the changing conditions of others. We must view our lives in concert with the predicament of others and there struggle must become our struggle. It is a difficult life to embrace but I can see no other way to find peace. For me, peace must be attached to the calming influence that comes with embracing the struggle and seeking liberation for the masses. Let's Get Free!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
To create true change we must replace capitalism. Capitalism, is a system that ensures that the masses will be exploited and wealth will be generated for a few. This is a corrupt machine that is only able to survive because of the political propaganda that preaches the message of individualism. By creating a system of cultural beliefs that plants the idea of hard work as the key to success we make political structures and systems meaningless. Success is solely connected to how hard one works and allows for corrupt institutions to remain free of true critique. Also, by inundating us with the lifestyles of the rich and famous we consciously or sub-consciously begin to identify with lifestyles we will never attain. However, the allure to reach that lifestyle becomes an obession no matter how unrealistic. It is critical that we challenge the ways capitalism produces unhealthy cultural values and extols materialism above all else. Also, American capitalism is connected to global imperialism. So our inability to challenge and confront the evils of capitalism ensures that other countries will be exploited because of our indifference. True change is not easy but is very necessary. Let's Get Free!
Sunday, May 23, 2010
No Title
So often we can grow disillusioned with the direction of America. It can seem that we have abandoned the critical dialog necessary to challenge the status quo. Or we have allowed for these conversations to only take place in the privileged intellectual spaces of higher education. Why does it seems that there are so few spaces reserved for those who desire to fight? That critics are relegated to the sidelines, viewed by others as malcontents who do not recognize the luxury of living in America? America is defined as the cream of the crop so all criticism is immediately view through a paradigm of bewilderment. It is difficult for people to understand that with great privilege comes greater responsibility. We as Americans have an obligation to examine the ways in which our privilege is connected to the exploitation of others. We must wake up and resist the urge to turn a blind eye to our complicity in the continued exploitation of others. Change is only possible when the urge to rest in the created comfort of American imperialism is destroyed. Let's Get Free!
The questions I must answer for my life are connected to purpose. How will I define success? Will the pressure to conform to capitalistic values destroy my passion to see the system destroyed? These our questions I must answer but I feel at some point we all must answer. We all must answer the internal question of what will motivate the choices of our lives? Who will we become? We will remain true to the inner voices that urge us to embrace radical choices or will we ultimately become more conservative seeking approval above everything else? This question is pivotal to the possibility of change. If we continue to muffle the voices that emanate from within, the voice that cries for change then we will continue to miss the point. Life is not simply a practice in comfort, it is an embrace of that which forces us to break from comfort. The sooner we realize that concocted images of the good life are simply idealistic prisons that divert our attention from the truth. Once we see that the truth is connected to embracing the struggle and altering the course of history with our willingness to be defiant in the face of systematic injustice. Then and only then will begin the process of truly living. Let's Get Free!
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Sound of Freedom
Would we recognize the sound of freedom if we heard it? Have the cries of the oppressed fallen on apathetic ears? Have we become consumed with individualistic longings and capitalistic trappings? It seems like the collective revolutionary spirit necessary to change unjust conditions has been co-opted swallowed up by hollow pictures of constructed ideas of success. Success, is something that has been narrowly defined as the acquisition of materials. Our lives becoming nothing more than exercises in conformity. We are losing touch with the passion that made us feel that deplorable conditions could be changed. The question is how do we get back in touch with a passion that connects us to the suffering of others? At some point we must begin to deplore the reality that we live in a world were the term disenfranchised is a label that confines masses of people to lives of heartache and exploitation. How can we not spend every waking moment overturning a system that confines so many to impoverished lives? Things must change! Let's Get Free!
It is imperative that oppressed people begin the process of building true coalitions. We must move away from simplistic nationalistic feelings. The battle is to eliminate the pervasiveness of white supremacy and eradicate the ways it strangles the potential of the masses. We must resist the temptation to internalize the racist ideas perpetuated by Eurocentric values and standards. Oppressed people must break from the divisive idea that there victimization should take center stage and the victimization of others is a threat to their time in the proverbial spotlight of white attention. Unless we begin to see the struggle for liberation as a collective battle were all voices and perspectives are necessary for the dismantling of white supremacy we will continue to suffer from systems of domination that maintain social misery. The time is now to break with ideas that teach us that our oppression is different and that others cannot understand our plight. Freedom is only possible we recognize the interconnectedness of our struggle and recognize the ways in which our unity is the greatest tool in the battle to reach true liberation. Let's Get Free!
No Title
It is imperative we consistently challenge the ways we inject messages that devalue blackness. We can never learn to love ourselves in the midst of a society that seeks to create a culture that covets bourgeoisie values. We are taught to abandon the cultural lens that we see American through for the more sanitized version of dominant society. Critique of America is never possible when voices that dissent are simply categorized as those who have failed. We have been trained to see those who question the status quo as radicals who are out of touch with reality. Therefore, alternatives to this way of life are never taken seriously because we believe anyone who does not pursue the cultural rewards society has to offer are the crazy ones. Change begins when we begin to question the structures and mechanisms in place that keep us complacent. Let's Get Free!
Friday, May 21, 2010
Wake Up!
The question is will we ever wake up? Will the unjust conditions that characterize so much of the world we live in become to much to handle? Or will we continue to pursue titles,privilege and material rewards that provide worth for those who have been utterly convinced that these ideas provide meaning to life? The bourgeoisie ideas of America have invaded every sector of public space to the point that they provide the blueprint for what we should aspire to. It seems we are lost in the midst of materialism and escapism unable to realize that something is wrong when we need constructed escapes from life. Life, is something to be enjoyed not retreated from for lack of purpose. However, until we challenge the ideas that seems to set the parameters on what are lives should look like we will continue to be lost struggling to find meaning in the midst of meaningless situations. The struggle is to recognize that life is about the pursuit of truth and the possibility of touching true freedom and working to make the world a more equitable place for all. I feel that prosperity or material privilege means nothing if certain segments of the world population will never have access to paths that lead to that comfort.
American Dream
I believe there are times when the allure of the American dream becomes a perceived answer to internal pain. In the communities of the oppressed, those who suffer underneath the boot of systematic oppression, oppression that stifles potential and limits life chances are convinced that bourgeois aspirations will eliminate those conditions. We are taught to believe that simple hard work will eradicate the systematic barriers of racism,sexism and class exploitation. Our collective gaze turns inward, were we begin to believe that the problem is us, that oppression is simply a figment of our imagination. These feelings give birth to an internalized hatred that allows for systematic oppression to remain free to infiltrate the private and public spaces of our lives. The liberal ideas that America espouses remain the social drug that numbs us to the reality that the system is the problem and unless we recognize that we will continue to suffer. The American system is structurally set up to maintain divisions and keeps us fighting each other. The presence of solidarity is the only thing to combat the social forces that entangle us all. The choice is ours we can wake up and resist opppresion or continue to drink the lie that a nice house and fancy job will alleviate the internal pain that occurs from living in an unjust society.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Fear and Love
Fear- Anxiety caused by approaching danger.
In the bible it says that the Fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. Truthfully, I have always had a problem with the idea that I can love that which I am taught to fear. I wonder can I truly serve God if my idea of God is so deeply connected with fear? Fear is not liberating it essentially enslaves those who become its prisoner. It seems that the ideas that help shape our understanding of God in this society serve as a barrier to our liberation. More importantly, it seems that the presence of fear does not allow for us to truly explore the concept of God because we are groomed to see the Lord as merely a entity who is concerned about what choices we make. I think at some point we must redefine our concept of God and truly seek to understand God apart from the societal restrictions that religion has placed on our belief systems.
In the bible it says that the Fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. Truthfully, I have always had a problem with the idea that I can love that which I am taught to fear. I wonder can I truly serve God if my idea of God is so deeply connected with fear? Fear is not liberating it essentially enslaves those who become its prisoner. It seems that the ideas that help shape our understanding of God in this society serve as a barrier to our liberation. More importantly, it seems that the presence of fear does not allow for us to truly explore the concept of God because we are groomed to see the Lord as merely a entity who is concerned about what choices we make. I think at some point we must redefine our concept of God and truly seek to understand God apart from the societal restrictions that religion has placed on our belief systems.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
The Process
The process of creating change is connected to creating a critical conciousness in the minds of the masses. We must begin to question the systems of authority that clearly do not have the best interest of the masses in mind. The government is out of touch and merely reflects the interest of the elite. At some point we are required to resist, to began the process of not simply acquiesing to the movements of a corrupt political structure. It is imperative that critical dialog become the foundation for true action. We must collectively unite in order to resist daily manifiestions of systematic injustice. This must begin with the birth of a new conciousness that is not informed by televison or bourgeious corporate values. We must engage with the teachings of historical figures who sought to dismantle the system.We must be courgageous and forge a new pathway to a closer picture of collective freedom and potential prosperity for all.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
I wonder
I wonder what my life would be like if I did not know racism? If I was not convinced that my blackness would determine my destiny? These are questions that I asked because at times I wonder if we are damaging our youth? If our insistence that they know their history is instilling them with pride or placing glass ceilings on their aspirations? This is not saying that we should not know our history,it is simply questioning the way we teach our history. Do we chain our children to an ideology that convinces them they are the perpetual victims in the story of America? More importantly,if they are convinced they are victims how do we empower them to surpass all of life's obstacles? These are critical questions we must ask ourselves.
It seems that fear is a limiting factor in the lives of most. We are conditioned in many ways to lives our lives in a state of fear. Never truly trusting ourselves, silencing the inner voice from within that challenges us to break free from comfort. Fear is essentially limiting because it teaches us to not take chances and to not trust ourselves. Instead we are convinced thought social messages that we do not have the answers and must seek them in the constructed dreams that America has created. We must take control over our lives and not let fear control us and our actions. We must challenge the systems of domination that seek to construct our lives around consumerism. Fear cannot be the foundation that feeds our dreams and life aspirations. No we must conquer the ways that fear has infiltrated our lives and limited our dreams. Freedom begins when the vicious venom of fear is not controlling our aspirations.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
True Liberation
The struggle for true liberation will not occur unless all forms of oppression are challenged.As a black man I have ignored the ways that the racism of America is inextricably linked with the sexism of America.They are systems of domination that seek to define and confine human potential and aspirations.I recognize now that I have been quick to challenge the racist foundations of America but have ignored the destructive impact that sexism has had on my sisters in the struggle. To adopt the position of a freedom fighter one must be willing to challenge all systematic ideas that seek to destroy and limit the life chance of others. We cannot allow for the evils of American patriarchy to be left of the hook for the ways that it shapes and defines so much of American life. True change is impossible unless we wake up and recognize that modes of identity that depend on the domination or subjugation of others are destructive to the possibility of creating true liberation for all.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
The Rewards of Victimhood
The allure of resting on the platform of victimhood is extremely dangerous for those who desire true liberation. Victimhood is a defenseless position that disempowers oppressed communities. It creates an environment where the oppressed begin to believe that they have no power in the shaping of their destiny. Or worst, that the change they can create pales in comparison to the rewards that dominant society can offer them. It is imperative that the oppressed recognize victimhood is a harmful ideology that perpetuates weakness and diminishes efforts to be self-determining.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
In the lives of the oppressed fear is a constant companion. Fear creates order and allows for the continuation of oppression. Those who suffer under the boot of white racism are convinced of their inferiority and ultimately seek approval from the one's who created their misery. Daily, I see the ways that fear has become internalized in the hearts of black people. It is a internalized feeling of powerlessness that leads to self-destruction. The inability to change social conditions forces us to embrace the dependent position that defines the lives of so many.So revolution becomes impossible because there is an inherent desire to create change within the rules of society. So the rules that relegate black people to positions of powerlessness are the same rules blacks adhere to in regards to achieving their freedom. There can be no true revolution if the oppressed are still enamored with the fleeting approval of white society.
Friday, April 30, 2010
There are times when it seems that we fall victim to the belief that words are substitutes for actions. So many times we lament the behavior of our youth, but never question the way there beliefs were shaped by our hypocrisy. It seems that the condition of the youth can be correlated with the corrupting ideas we have sanctioned with our silence. The sweet embrace of individualism,materialism and narcissism has created a foundation that does not nurture but destroys. It is no wonder that our children seem lost. Their malaise is consumed in the larger apathy that conflicts of us all. However, there is hope and it lies in the resurgence of true examples. Examples, that seek to be motivated by a purpose that cannot be understood through the capitalistic values that provide the context for so much of our world. A purpose connected to rebuilding humanity and revolutionizing the traditional ideas that provide the constructs for normalcy. Change can only occur when we accept the challenge to create new examples.
Monday, April 19, 2010
The Mis-Education of the Negro 2010
In 2010 it still seems that African Americans are still being mis-educated. Whenever the attainment of "knowledge" takes you further from your community there is a problem. Anytime the attainment of "knowledge" helps us to fashion an ideology where we begin to mimic the critiques of dominant society there is a problem. Education is a tool to empower and instill pride in a people. We must ask ourselves if the education we are receiving is helping us to do that. Or is it simply brainwashing us into thinking and behaving like the oppressor. And when I say oppressor,I do not simply mean white people. That is to simplistic, I mean those who benefit from us becoming complacent. Those who like to see us become more selfish and less concerned with the plight of others. If the education we receive does not open our eyes to the oppressive nature of the society we live then what good is it? I raise the question does your education make you want to change the system or simply become a part of it?
The Mis-Education of the Negro
"When you control a man's thinking you do not have to worry about his actions. You do not have to tell him to not stand here or go yonder. He will find his "proper place" and will stay in it. You do not need to send him to the back door. He will go without being told. In fact, if there is no back door, he will cut one for his special benefit. His education makes its necessary"
"History shows that it does not matter who is in power...those who have not learned to do for themselves and have to depend solely on others never obtain any more rights or privileges in the end than they did in the beginning"
Dr. Carter G Woodson
"History shows that it does not matter who is in power...those who have not learned to do for themselves and have to depend solely on others never obtain any more rights or privileges in the end than they did in the beginning"
Dr. Carter G Woodson
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Racism and the Obama Presidency
It is difficult for America to truly deal with its racist past. So many times we seek to deny the impact that race has played on the collective American identity. The way that blackness has been criminalized in every aspect of American society and inherently categorized as Un-American. This has been accepted into the National consciousness of America. Whether it is politically, economically or socially blacks have been demonized to keep them powerless and the continuous outsiders in American society. The racist underpinnings of this systematic attack on black people has been relegated to the sidelines or ignored because it is a continuous contradiction to the grandiose ideas that this country espouses. However, the degradation of blackness is now on full display with the blatant race-baiting and Hate speech that categorizes much of the rights attacks against the Obama Administration.The political right has exploited the fear that lies at the core of white America that a time of retribution would arrive in which blacks would extract revenge on white America for the injustices of the past. President Obama is the manifestation of this fear and the critiques of his presidency are cloaked in this incessant fear.
It seems
It seems we have lost the ability to question the institutions, structures, and rules that govern our lives. We have become mindless followers of traditions and ideas. We do not have the strength to question, but the time is now for us to challenge the individual and collective choices we make that keep us trapped in this rat race. It seems that we are forced into a life were we are living by the standards of an entity or governing body that we might not agree with. The question is what do we do once this is recognized? I feel that we must resist living a life that is not predicated on our own feelings and beliefs. To break from the shackles of conformity that allow for the entities that control our lives to remain unchallenged and ultimately unthreatened. We refuse to question or challenge anything we are more concerned with “fitting in” not realizing that even the idea of “fitting in” is socially constructed to get us to aspire to live a certain way. Conformity is slavery when it is based on rules and sanctions that rob you of individuality, and not the individuality associated with capitalism. Capitalistic individuality is socially constructed to keep us looking externally for material goods that produce profit those seeking to exploit our conditions. We must turn from that idea to a more humane individuality that allows for individuals to find their passion and purpose living their lives uninterrupted.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Realizing that faith is reserved for the courageous. Faith is a choice, it allows for us to transcend, to envision something better. To not be held captive by disappointments or entangled by the chains of fear that do not allow for hope to exist. Faith does not force us to look at difficulty through rose colored glasses, but it gives us the power to never be broken by events that may lie outside of our control. Faith allows for us to be powerful. Faith allows for us to remain hopeful even in the midst of hopeless times. To believe that change although not instant is on the way.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Compromise with injustice
The struggle to make compromise with injustice. To seemingly turn a blind eye to the callous indifference that characterizes the way we are forced to live. It is difficult to not challenge a status quo predicated on injustice and maintained through greed. At times, it seems that we have been defeated. That we have lost sight of ideas and have become slaves to what is practical. The system is broken and are inability to wrestle with what that means is frustrating. This realization should provide the platform for this generation to makes its contribution to the trajectory of world history. Unfortunately, we have become fascinated with ourselves and how many worthless possessions we can accumulate. Sacrifice is foreign to us entitlement is our accepted birthright. The only reason why injustice is able to perpetually dominate the lives of so many is because the majority of us are so appallingly silent.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Is it alright that I have doubt? I must be truthful about the doubt that circles this choice to pursue more education when American society seems to be filled with over-educated individuals with questions but no answers. As society continues to spiral towards an uncertain future and the problems seem larger by the day. I am left to wonder is more school the answer? It seems that higher education is where revolutionaries go to die. To become a part of the very system that we seek to change. This is contradictory, but in reality American society creates limited free space for those that recognize there is something inherently wrong with the American system. They are left to attain more degrees so that these legitimate concerns can become validated.The problem is, any idea that seeks to challenge or alter the American way of life will never accepted. It does not matter how many degrees one gains if they seek to challenge the norms or highlight the vicious hypocrisy of this nation they will be isolated or discredited. So yes, I have doubt and its because deep down I know more credentials are not the answer.
To not let ourselves become normalized to despair and hopelessness. This is our challenge to never let the world convince us that injustice and oppression must be things that we have to accept in life. Our ability to challenge these ideas reflects our power. We have the power to change the world and when we begin to operate through a paradigm of victimhood then we lose. We become trapped by feelings of hopelessness that allow for us to detach from life and seek forms of escape. No, we cannot accept this fate we must continuously persist to rectify wrongs and eliminate injustice. This is our collective struggle to bring about a clearer picture of the world. To no lose hope and continue to fight and make this world a better place.
Friday, April 2, 2010
The Process
The realization that true change begins with self: this is not a new idea to the world, but one that, in recent days, I have begun to wrestle with. Everything is connected to a process, and we cannot bypass the hard work neccesary to get the reward. So often we become fascinated with the end goal, becoming trapped by the allure of what lies ahead, unable to truly engage in the process. It sounds cliche, but every journey begins with a step, and to bypass this truth will leave many with unfufilled dreams and destructive images of what might have been. So I re-examine my life and recognize that every move is bringing more closer to a desired end. I also recognize that the prospect of ushering in change for society must begin with me changing myself.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Unrealistic Expectations
I think, at times, that there is unnecessary criticisms levied at President Obama. Critique is necessary for the growth of democracy and the application of it's principals. However, we must not view the presidency through the lens of religious imagery. It seems that, at times, anger resonates from certain segments of the American population because they were expecting to be saved. The policies would suddenly lift them from the despair that characterized their years under President Bush. This is simply not true and is damaging to the psyche of the masses. It creates a sentiment of helplessness that is difficult to break, allowing people to wait for change as opposed to be the change they would like to see. We must reshape expectations for President Obama, unless he will be confined to a space where everything that he does will be viewed through the prism of our disappointment.
Monday, March 29, 2010
To my Pops
Dad, I get it now. I see that you tried and that your feelings of inadequacy made it difficult for you to be what I needed. I get that you were trapped in your own pain, unable to transcend your disappointment. So for those times when I stood on the steps waiting for you and you never came, I forgive you. I could not be the man that I am if it had not been for the pain that I experienced. So, all that I am is a reflection of you and mom. As I try to change the world, I do it with your imprint still on my soul. I carry every lesson given in your presence as well as in your absence. My life will be a testament to you and I will seek to jump the hurdles that tripped you up. You are my imperfect example and I love you for it.
A New Way
To maintain sanity in an insane world where contradictions are the norm and pimping yourself is the only option, it is difficult to live by convictions or true beliefs. Every thing is for sale and to become a consumer of injustice is the norm. We seek escape through frivolous pursuits and get lost in our selfishness. That is the only way that evil triumphs. It survives by our willingness to ignore its presence and rationalize its persistence. We are so consumed looking inward that we have lost sight of the ways in which we have become complicit with the proliferation of evil. In ways, it is not our fault-we are simply drunk on the wine of our own vanity. However, as always, there is hope and its beauty lies in its simplicity. We can begin to think and live in a way that acknowledges others. The tragedy of one can become the tragedy of us all. We can try to move with a collective heartbeat, sidestep the pitfalls of present day individualism, and embrace a new vision for humanity;one where the idea of one humanity is not devoid of the sacrifice necessary to make it happen.
Chauvinistic America
I think it is important to challenge all conventions. With that being said, I find it disheartening that, at times, people refuse to recognize the limited confines that define manhood. What it means to be a man is never challenged or examined. The belief that, to provide or create material stability for others is the sole role of men. We seem to ignore the societal constraints placed on men. We have accepted that there are certain things that a man must do to be considered a man, but when definitions are placed on women, then the cries of oppression are rampant.I don't say these things ignoring the plight of women and their struggles to exist in a patriarchal society. What I am saying is that, at times, that model of patriarchy is stifling for men too-men who may be denied the opportunities to reach that plateau, or who may not agree with its ideas either. Rigid definitions for humans must be challenged on all sides. We cannot let our oppression blind us to what others are going through. I raise the question, "when women think of manhood, are there certain things that come to mind that are essential for a man to have?" If so, is it okay for a man to have certain ideas about womanhood and for what a woman must have? I am just wondering.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Lebron or Lil Wayne
What examples are we setting for young black boys? It seems that the limited models that guide black boys on their roadtrip to manhood are disturbing. Making certain black men deities in our communities is dangerous to young black boys. In a society that marginalizes and ignores blackness on a mass scale to only praise certain figures whether consciously or sub-consciously, is problematic. It sends the message that, if our boys don't aspire or reach these heights, then they have failed. It creates an environment where there is no support if they fall short. We must move away from the idolization of stars for the sake of our youth.
Thirst for Revolution
Many of us romanticize revolution. We desire to become a part of something that we have never tried to understand. Revolution requires more than most are willing to give. We embrace revolution as a theory only applicable in certain environments. This thinking dilutes the revolution. The revolution is a daily struggle; it consumes the individual. It is a process that links to death. You must be willing to struggle until the existing conditions are eradicated. This is what most don't understand. Revolution is never complete until the desired conditions are accomplished. This is why the process of revolution is one that can only be embraced by the children who embrace sacrifice. To become revolutionary, in essence, is to become a being who has grappled with and surrendered to the thought of one's own demise. The death of the individual is vital to all revolutions because the desires of the individual succumb to the needs of the masses.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Huey P Newton "Revolutionary Suicide"
"To understand revolutionary suicide, it is first necessary to have an idea of reactionary suicide, for the two are very different. Reactionary suicide: the reaction of a man who takes his own life in response to social conditions that overwhelm him and condemn him to helplessness"
"I do not think that life will change for the better without an assault on the establishment, which goes on exploiting the wretched of the earth. This belief lies at the heart of the concept of revolutionary suicide. Thus, it is better to oppose the forces that would drive me to self-murder than to endure them. Although, I risk the likelihood of death, there is at least the possibility, if not the probability, of changing intolerable conditions."
"But before we die, how shall we live? I say with hope and dignity; and if premature death is the result, that death has meaning that reactionary suicide can never have. It is the price of self-respect"
Huey P. Newton
"I do not think that life will change for the better without an assault on the establishment, which goes on exploiting the wretched of the earth. This belief lies at the heart of the concept of revolutionary suicide. Thus, it is better to oppose the forces that would drive me to self-murder than to endure them. Although, I risk the likelihood of death, there is at least the possibility, if not the probability, of changing intolerable conditions."
"But before we die, how shall we live? I say with hope and dignity; and if premature death is the result, that death has meaning that reactionary suicide can never have. It is the price of self-respect"
Huey P. Newton
True Value
It seems that, at times, we must ask ourselves what we are trying to prove? More importantly, what is the aim behind the feeling that proving something is neccesary? Is it the belief that, through the acceptance, we will have release from the feelings of unworthiness that haunt so many? How did we become convinced that value is solely connected to our ability to produce? Gaining value by what we can accumulate, deriving fleeting worth from disintegrating materials; materials that seek to silence the invisible whispers that eat away at shaky confidence. There can be no freedom in this social context where invisibility is the punishment for those who don't subscribe to these values. Is this a recipe for unhappiness? This feeling of worth is something to be gained as opposed to something inherently present, is deeply problematic. Those who cannot grasp the warm clutches of affirmation, will be sent on a journey looking for validation only to be confronted with the reality that true validation comes from within.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Freedom and Love
What does it mean to love? Is love, by nature, something selfish? Is it an idea predicated on the fulfillment of self through someone else. Are we content to love if it forces others to lose themselves in the midst of our joy? This is a simple questions from a complicated man who is seeking to move from normalcy. Normal is restricting and does not lead to true happiness ,but instead, it is an acceptance of an idea that says that this is as good as it gets. I am seeking to move as close to my definition of freedom as possible. What is my definition of freedom? It is the ability to exist in time and space, unchained by the conventions that force me to be anything other than what I want to be. Freedom is the ability to be true to myself. I am not bashing love. I'm simply saying that love, for me, must be free of the entanglements that will allow for me to not be happy. So this means that it must be free of jealousy, control and disappointment based on the actions of others who do not soothe the unspoken longings that emanate from my soul. If love can exist in this space, then I will embrace it with reckless abandon and get lost in the idea of love because it will bring me closer to the freedom that I long for.
Freedom begins when we recognize that we have the right to an existence based on our own ideas. This is freedom: when we begin to elevate ourselves above the ideas and beliefs of others. If we are unable to do this, we will continue to wear social masks that are neccesary for acceptance. Freedom can only be achieved when we are honest and no longer seek conformity over indviduality or deception over truth.
Socially Constructed Prisons
Sometimes expectations can become prisons. Feeling the need to sacrifice my Independence to the god of conformity is damaging to my soul; the feeling that expectations force me to lose myself, and dedicate my life to fulfilling the dreams of what others feel I should be; thinking that the elusive approval of others will be the symbolic key to my liberation. Sadly, when my dreams and aspirations are predicated on the of whim other, I become a slave to their thoughts. So I seek release from all expectations that don't originate from my soul and to live my life unapologetically on my own terms. I seek to challenge every convention that seeks to confine my life within the parameters of socially constructed normalcy. This is the vision that I seek to orchestrate for my life,as I realize that freedom is unattainable when I have not defined what freedom means. I cannot live my life not challenging the ideas that I believe stifle potential and suffocate dreams. My life must simply be a testament to my belief that this system is severely screwed up. I will live my life on my own terms and accept the consequences.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Style over Substance
How many times do we value style over substance? How many times are we convinced of importance by the presence of the package? The reality of this thinking becomes deeply challenging when you begin to work with young people. Right now, I am working with young people at a local highschool and it is very difficult to provide them with messages that have no weight in the real world. Whether it is the notion of being a good person, or simply the notion that hard work pays off. In the real world, these messages conflict with the adverse messages that society teaches. It seems that in the real world, the unjust get ahead and that some will work all of their lives only to survive, but never thrive. The contraditions are enough to cause extreme disappointment. When virtuous ideas are crushed under the weight of structural cynicism, you begin to wonder, are young people tuning us out because we are not feeding them the truth? More importantly, are we simply feeding them the same lines that we were fed in the process of American socialization? And if so, how well did these messages work out for us?
This Can't Be Life
The question: is there more to life than the rat race? Is it simply about living by the standards and notion of others. It can't be because that is the epitome of enslavement. The idea that society is a prison for the individual as it forces us to live in a way that deters us from ever discovering who we truly are. No wonder people seek forms of escape whether through excessive partying or drug use. If the measures of escape are not this extreme, we still must acknowledge that the masses are relatively detached from reality. This is what desperate people resort to when they are denied freedom. Sadly,the things that are defined as freedom simply become another vice that entangles the souls and minds of the masses. The idea of the party becomes the point of life. Then our next question is: how do we get free from a way of life that breeds discontent and relative unhappiness? It would seem that, at some point, we must stand and highlight an alternate way. We must challenge what has always existed if we expect to usher in something new. I desperately desire to see the masses living a life that produces happiness. We all deserve to not only live, but to thrive. Humans are built for more than just survival, and when life become nothing more than something to be survived, then we have a problem.
Monday, March 22, 2010
The desire to believe that we now live in a post-racial society is extremely problematic. Believing we have arrived at the doorstep of a post-racial society and that the suffocating reach of racism no longer infiltrates the lives of the masses is desirable albeit untrue. It seems that, collectively, we are suffering from race fatigue, tired of the difficult conversations, and issues we must deal with when our biases and true feelings are uncovered. However,fatigue is not an excuse to ignore the impact of racism and its far reaching impact. Also, asking those who have been historically categorized as different to ignore the impact that history has had on the formation of identity is troublesome. Also, if in this post-racial utopia we are still ignoring the way that whiteness is normalized as the dominant mode of thinking, then we are simply lying to ourselves about moving towards real change. I am all for moving in the direction where one humanity can be uplifted. However, the goal is to not expect those who may be different to ignore that difference for the comfort of acceptance.
King's Dream
Would Dr. King be disappointed? Would he be saddened by the ways in which we have allowed material riches to be the measuring stick to success? Would his eyes fill with tears at the way that violence has become the tool of choice in the African American community? Would he be horrified at the numbers of young blacks who have met an early demise due to internalized racism and hatred of self that has engulfed certain segments of the African American community? Would he question the overemphasis of personal responsibility that has become the mantra for conservatives? Would he challenge them to examine the structural inequalities that keep certain populations struggling to gain access to the avenues that make the American dream a possibility? Would he feel that all his work was in vain? Or would he still be filled with optimism that the African American community will turn from the path of destruction and return to an ethic of love that can give birth to a new picture of blackness?
Sunday, March 21, 2010
At times, I believe that Hip-Hop is an easy target for critics who easily ignore the ways that Hip-Hop is simply re-interpreting larger American themes.With that being said, I wonder, what is Hip-Hop's responsibility to all of us? Those who recognize the immense influence that artists could have in shifting the consciousness of younger generations away from materialism and individualism, need to hold the artists accountable. It is difficult to watch the ways in which artists highlight a destructive lifestyle that leads the masses down a path of ignorance and foolishness. Truthfully, if they are not leading the masses down a destructive path, they are complicit in the proliferation of the message that is mesmerizing young people. In many ways, Hip-Hop shapes young people's ideas of beauty, coolness and values. It is too easy to say that Hip-Hop should not have such a pivotal role in the lives of young people. It does, and we must deal with what is, as opposed to what we wish it would be. With that being said, I feel that Hip-Hop can still be a vital instrument for change. It has the ear of the young people and can choose to inspire young people to greater heights. Or it can simply continue to encourage the intense selfishness that characterizes so much of American life. Hip-Hop has a choice to make.
What is the Truth?
Is America moving past the divisions of race and embracing a new vision of humanity? Or are the victories of the present simply a smokescreen that clouds the true picture? One where black people are still viewed through the prism of difference, and are never allowed to be considered truly American? Where their views must be tested to see if they fit the ideals of what America truly stands for? This question must be answered because when I see the national debate over health care, I am concerned. When I see tea party protesters screaming words of hate and yelling out racial epithets towards congress members, I am concerned. I began to wonder if the seeds of American racism planted centuries ago are still yielding profitable fruit? Where does the truth lie? Is the venom of racism as potent today as it was in the past? Or have we transcended past the pit of racial bigotry and landed on a higher plain of shared humanity? I wonder when I see the ways in which the President of the United States is constantly referred to as Mr. Obama by the mainstream media. I wonder? Is the idea of power something that will constantly be preferred to exist in the hand of whites? Will blacks continue to gain access into a system that, when pushed, will continue to remind them that they will always be outsiders? I wonder what the real truth is?
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Amercian Life
As a descendant of slaves, is it problematic for me to accept the American life? How can I aspire to the American dream? How is not my conformity silent allegiance to an oppressive system that classified my ancestors as meaningless cargo? It seems that the struggle to reconcile oneself to life in America is deeply troubling for black people. What to do with the anger? How do you adhere to the principals and ideas of a hypocritical country? At times, I find myself wrestling with the idea. Is my acceptance of the system a mockery to my ancestors? How can I seek approval from a system that sought to destroy my people? Honestly, I dont think that I can. I feel that my life should be spent attacking the American way of life that was built on the backs of my ancestors.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Beck, Limbaugh, Hannity
As an African American, I want desperately to believe in the idea of one humanity, to try to look past the bloodied past of my people, to not allow for hate to corrode my heart and dampen my outlook, to struggle to believe that one humanity is not simply a lie. When I choose to embrace, it simply allows me to overlook the hell that my people continue to face.However, when I hear the voices of Beck, Limbaugh,and Hannity I wonder what portion of white America they speak for and how is their hate speech applauded and rewarded with radio shows and television programs? It is difficult to believe in one humanity when there are voices and ideas that seek to deny the plight and continued struggle of African American people. To me, one humanity is not possible until outrage is collective. When the denigration of a people is rebuked by all. Also, when voices that placate to white fears and ignorance are not rewarded but isolated and challenged for what they are: detriments to the ideas of one humanity.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Is it wrong to blame the disenfranchised for their alienation in regards to this American system? Their unwillingness to conform to the contradictory themes that hold this broken republic together. Their resistance to ideas and lifestyles are pre-determined by social institutions. Their fight simply illuminates the ways in which the masses have been silent? When have we had enough? These are the questions we must ask ourselves: "at what point do the contradictions become too much?" "When do we challenge the system and seek a struggle to create a new path? One that allows for humanity to be restored and justice to be claimed by all?"
Saturday, March 6, 2010
At times, it seems that every inclination we have is to control. To try and control every aspect of our lives and the lives of others. We seem to think this will keep us away from hurt or dissappointment. We think that if we could confine the freedom of others that we will somehow be more free. I feel that freedom is only possible when we begin to let go. When we abandon the idea that we know best or that we hold a monopoly on the way things should operate. I wonder how much of our time is spent controlling things that we truly can not control? Maybe, we should examine all aspects of our lives and see the ways our control has damaged those things that we sought to control? More importantly, how much damage have we done to ourselves by thinking that control is the way? We must break from the idea that we can truly control anything. When we do that, I believe that we will be one step closer to freedom.
Time for Action
There comes a time for action. When words will no longer suffice and beautiful rhetoric must turn into visible action. It seems that it is the time for the oppressed masses of America. We must move from the shackles of individualism and embrace a collective ideology. The American system holds it's allegiance to profits and the vulnerabilities of the masses are simply ignored. We must face the reality that the American dream, like Malcolm X articulated, is nothing more than an American nightmare. We are all living in the midst of a nightmare and have become accustomed to seeing hypocrisy. Cynicism has become the outlook of most unable to envision a better day. However, the time is now for action to organize and bring an end to the status quo. The status quo is the enemy of the masses because it convinces us that change will occur through accepted means at some later day. That is a lie. Change will only occur when we make it occur-when we stop allowing for America to operate business as usual. We all must remember that peace is overrated if it only occurs with our willingness to submit to evil. The time for action is now!
Saturday, February 27, 2010
My Pen
My pen is my resistance. With my pen, I seek to create a picture that stirs action. With my pen I can challenge all ideas and concepts that seek to classify me as less than. With my pen, I can construct a vision of blackness that is not plagued with despair and hopelessness. My pen is free of the societal constraints that seek to entangle me. My pen is my instrument that I use to try and inspire an audience. Also, my pen provides me hope in the midst of obstacles and struggles. My pen paints a picture of a future that I am working towards. My pen does not know doubt. It is unrealistically optimistic and it is my pen that keeps me free.
Friday, February 26, 2010
The Struggle of Trying to Be
It is never easy when you attempt to be better. It does not matter what the idea of better represents for you- the presence of obstacles will be there. We seem much more comfortable with complacency and the idea that to strive is worthless. This is all while others try to lock us into who we might have been or constantly remind us of mistakes that we might have made. Trying to escape and capture a fleeting yet beautiful picture of what might be is the plight of us all. However, we cannot allow the negativity and cynicism of society or others to block us from the dreams that rest in our hearts. No, we must struggle to be, because whenever that struggle ends, the freedom that we dream of becomes simply a prison of what might have been.
Why is there no response to the Tea party and its brand of politics? It seems that truth cowers in the face of evil. At times I grow frustrated with the way that certain ideas gain traction and are allowed a space in the public discourse. While other radical ideas and voices are isolated or treated as though they don't exist. However, it does beg the question, "where are the voices that are not concerned with anything other than the truth?"-those voices that are not waiting for validation from the system, but are willing to create alternative pathways to express their message. I just wonder while I am sitting in classrooms, in sanctioned systematic safe spaces, is the war passing me by?
Being black in America has always presented an added barrier to the realization of the American dream. However, as I look back at my childhood, I realize that the issue of poverty was a larger detriment to my stability as a youth. It was the inability to secure the goods that provided for a way of life that allows for potential to flourish. It is the burden of poverty that I seek to break from. It is the presence of poverty that pushes me to better myself at all cost. So although my blackness is a source of pride and produces a set of obstacles that are difficult to deal with, I must be honest when I say that the issue of class has defined my existence with a greater emphasis up to this point.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Is America trying to Kill me?
There are times when I feel like America is trying to kill me. I feel that this way of life is detrimental to my health and that the rat race has deadly consequences for those who want something more. For those who seek to ignore or resist the material trappings or capitalistic toys that divert our attention from the atrocities that characterize so much of American life. However, it is vital that I proclaim that I am not waving the righteous flag seeking to be comforted by the blanket of arrogance that surrounds those who find security in the belief that their way of life is more dignified than others. No, I am simply wrestling with the feeling that there must be something more. The feeling that poverty and pain for the masses are not things that I must become adjusted to in order to survive. Anything that forces me to become an acquaintance of evil must be wrong, right? And don't I have an obligation to stand and resist all attempts that try to normalize evil and rationalize injustice? I guess I am just wondering out aloud.
No Name
The feelings of powerlessness that characterized my youth are still prisons that seek to confine me as an adult. The limited free spaces that I enjoyed as a child have made it difficult to envision freedom. I am still thinking that the helpless state that infected my childhood years is doomed to be the dominant theme of my life. The psychological cages of the past are difficult to break forth from. However, that is my mission: to continue to live, thrive and create freedom- to kill the silent ghost of the past that tries to hold a place in the emerging picture of who I am seeking to become.The journey continues to not let the past recreate itself in the choices that define the direction of my future.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
The Question of Change
I think we all want to change the world. The question is, "how do we make that happen?" How do we turn individual aspirations into collective action? Can we give ourselves over to a cause or idea larger in scope than the immediate and sometimes trivial concerns of the daily realities of life?
Saturday, February 20, 2010
What Would Jesus Say? The Question of Capitalism
As America is in the midst of a devastating economic crisis that has swept away jobs and has left the country struggling with an uncertain future. As people lose their jobs and are struggling to find a way to maintain hope in the midst of a seemingly hopeless situation, I ask the question, "What Would Jesus Say?" Would he sanction an economic system that has caused such destruction in the world? A system that preaches rugged individualism and ignores the suffering of others? This cannot be what Jesus would stand for could it? This is a critical question for a supposed religious country. How can we profess to follow the teachings of Christ and yet embrace an economic system that is seemingly soulless? A system that preaches individualism for the masses but adopts a policy of welfare for big businesses. The blatant hypocrisy is disheartening. To bear witness to such injustice and to try to come to grips with so much suffering is difficult. So I ask the question, " is this a system that Jesus would sanction?" Would he accept capitalism as a righteous economic vehicle for America? Or would he say that it caters to the worst in people and allows for selfishness and disregard for others to be rewarded and cherished. I pose this question to America as we often times cloak ourselves in religious arrogance. The reality of our choices may not reflect the righteousness of our ideas. As opposed to bringing Christ to others, maybe we should discover if we know him for ourselves.
A Question of Strength
Is the idea that I can do it all alone a mask for those who have been hurt and are afraid to be vulnerable? It seems that, in the African American community, we have been conditioned to believe that to do it all alone is the only way because to put trust in others leaves us susceptible to the wounds that can be only be inflicted by those we love the most. We have become a people hardened and unable or unwilling to trust for fear that we will be let down and crushed by disappointment that occurs with raised expectations. However, the ability to be vulnerable is the essence of strength because it highlights the reality that we are still open to love, and that the hurts and frustrations have not allowed us to be broken and embittered by the failings of others. The time is now to abandon the facade that we can walk alone and that we do not need anyone. The truth is that our willingness to examine our hurts and deal with the issues is a pivotal step towards collective liberation. Only when we begin to expose our vulnerabilities, will we operate from a position of true strength instead of allowing the idea of strength to become a self-imposed prison that keeps us isolated from the love we need to restore our individual and collective souls.
Hip Hop- an "Easy Target"
So many times, the critique of hip-hop is limited in scope because it does not take into account the fact that hip-hop is a sub-culture heavily influenced by larger American ideas. The pervasiveness of misogyny and violence are emphasized because these are staples of American culture. American society is firmly planted on the ideals of patriarchy and violence. These values can be traced back to the formation of this broken democracy. So it is hypocritical to continually attack the contradictions that characterize so much of hip-hop. If we are honest, we could see that America, if nothing else, is a contradiction. A country that espouses freedom and yet has a bloodied past that is connected to the enslavement and persecution of those who were categorized as different. These points are not highlighted to let hip-hop off the hook. It is simply to force us to look at the larger social forces that contribute and influence the themes that pervade the music. It is easy to criminalize blackness and label hip-hop as this evil entity that is destroying our youth. However, it is much harder to critique and challenge the larger social vices that contribute to the destruction of our youth through distorted messages and corrupting ideas. We must be vigilant, challenge evil on all levels, and refrain from directing all our ire at the easiest of targets.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Invisible People
In 2010, it seemed that African Americans still struggled to be visible in a society and culture that praises those that seek to ignore their blackness and embrace the idea of a colorless society. Those who seek to view their experiences through the prism of blackness are viewed as troublemakers and prisoners to a turbulent history unable to recognize that America has transcended the entanglements that defined so much of the past. The question remains,"If I still see racism and the way that blackness is criminalized and categorized as different, am I wrong?" Why is it that those who ignore their blackness or define it as inconsequential are rewarded and praised as progressive? Are the wounds of black people invisible? Do they not register on the collective conscious of America? It seems that we are still invisible, only gaining visibility by our willingness to shed our blackness and aspire to normalcy which in American society is whiteness. How long will we accept a system that forces us to keep our sufferings silent and our anger muted? We must continue to bring the beauty of blackness into the cultural landscape of America.
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