Friday, October 21, 2011
It is time! The time for resistance is at hand? We can no longer allow for fear to cripple our conscious and for the threat of estrangement from the norm to silence our voices. The social contract that each American has signed has been ignored by elites who seek to ignore and desecrate the responsibility that society owes the individual. Affordable Housing, Decent Schooling and Health care are not simply the privileges of the rich but are necessities that all Americans should enjoy. So it is time to resist the heartless direction the country is heading in. We must fight to alter the course of a country that has seemingly lost its way. Somewhere along the line we forgot the strength of a nation is exemplified in the prosperity of its people. America has degenerated into a place that is prosperous for a few and miserable for many. The time for resistance and the challenging of these brutal truths is at hand. Let us forge a new path rooted in love and a desire to see all prosper.
Class Warfare
We must resist the illusion that class warfare is being perpetrated by a government that is fighting on behalf of the poor. The government is a tool of elites that is killing the middle class and creating a perpetual underclass while the riches of the wealthiest remain untouched. Those who rest on the ground floor of America where dreams of hard work and eventual success quiet the rumblings that something is not right about our society must wake up. The system is not rooted in fairness, and for most humble beginnings will re-emerge in humble endings if society is not forced to live up to its historical promises. So the poor must recognize that warfare is being waged and they are the victims of policies rooted in a desire to refashion America into a state where the haves continue to enjoy prosperity while the poor suffer with only the illusion of future wealth to distill their frustration. We must wake up!
Give Peace a Chance!
Those who believe that the idea of peace is nothing more than an unrealistic notion embraced by liberals and hippies ignore its ability to heal and transform the world. Our world is being torn apart by a corrupt ideology rooted in the belief that violence solves problems. That enemies and opponents of our perspectives can be destroyed through literal violence or violent rhetoric. The time is now for advocates of peace to challenge the culture of war that threatens to continue to sow the seeds of violence into the fertile soil of democracy. We must peacefully resist attempts by the powerful to use violence to subdue the world for its imperialistic purposes. Peace must be the weapon for those who believe that change is not only essential but necessary if our world is to be rescued from the violent path that we are currently on.
Man Up!
It is time for men to recognize collectively they ways in which they have dropped the ball. The seemingly unwillingness of men to understand manhood in any empowering way has created a environment where men advocate for the privilege of manhood without proper sacrifices. This truth has give way to an environment and culture that affirms men’s narcissisms and allows men to actually act like boys. We must begin to redefine manhood apart from selfishness and domination. Manhood must begin to be connected with responsibility, integrity and pride in order to rebuild communities that are searching for men but yet are stuck with boys pretending to be ready for the mantle of manhood that covet but cannot fulfill. Our communities will continue to be missing a vital component essential to its health until men begin to learn what it really means to be a man.
New Alternatives
The American political system is broken. The two party system no longer incorporates progressive ideals into the political discourse. The country is moving further to the right and those who long for an egalitarian society are left with a democratic party that is weak an unwilling or unable to clearly articulate a vision that appeals to the disenfranchised. What this means is that for those who feel that their voice is neglected by the two party system they must begin to advocate for a new party. Politics as usual will continually leave those who classify themselves as disenfranchised frustrated and forced to compromise with a political establishment that views their concerns as not necessary to their political success. The time is now to begin the process of creating a legitimate political alternative to the foolishness of the Republican and Democratic Party.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
It is not all about us!
Can we face the realization that it is not all about us? Are we able to accept the fact that the world was not constructed soley for our desires to be quenched? The truth is that we share this world and the importance of human life is not reserved for those who exist in the midst of these invisible borders.Our selfishness borders on delusions of grandeur that are propped up on notions of specialness. Truthfully, we must break free from the thinking that our specialness allows for us to trample on the humanity of others. We must recognize that it is not all about us, contrary to popular belief. The sooner we can begin to live a life in unison with others the closer we are to commnuity. Let's Get Free!
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Indifference is an ill-fitting outfit that most seem content to wear. The question is why do most wear indifference like a badge of honor? Indifference is a prison that seeks to isolate the masses from truth. The truth is that the inevitability of righteousness is a wise tale not grounded in fact. In fact in order to create change we must stand up to injustice and not be deterred by the vastness of the task. However, it seems that most our content to ignore the precarious position that we find ourselves in. To become drunk on delusions and immerse ourselves in fiction. The truth is that revolution is the only option. There are no other ways to alter the path towards something more humane. So let us embrace this truth and begin the process of dealing with the complex questions surrounding, what does it look like to create a revolution in the twenty first century? The time is now the only thing we have to lose is our chains. Let's Get Free!
Systemic Brokenness
Does the brokenness of the system simply reflect the brokenness of humanity? At times it is easy to place oneself above the fray inoculated by righteousness, feeling that you are the only one that understands. However, it is this arrogance that stifles change because it leaves many believing they are above critique. Truthfully, we all must share responsibility for the brokenness. To recognize that the systemic indifference is mirrored in our daily interactions. These interactions highlight our inability to truly open ourselves up to others. Selfishness maybe at the root of our broken system but it is our delusional position that seeks to convince us that we are immune to this characteristic that makes change difficult. So let us begin with acceptance that individual brokenness create the systemic brokenness that receives our righteous ire. Change will only occur when we recognize that our individual healing is essential to the healing of the world. Let's Get Free.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
break free
The struggle to break free from the American plantation is compacted by the fact that most mistake the plantation for paradise. Sadly,the inability to distinguish between the two leaves most content to embrace oppression while they remain distracted by the fantasy induced state cultivated by corrupt corporations. So, the essence of freedom is lost because most believe that freedom lies in the midst of credit cards or pointless purchases of products meant to signify the good life. The time is now. We must begin to challenge and illuminate the true nature of this decadent system. This requires us to characterize the American system for what it is: A Plantation that still subscribes the masses to servitude. Our collective service must then be turned towards systemic change. If we do not wake up, the prospects for true freedom will forever be an illusion. Let's Get Free!
Thursday, August 11, 2011
No More Chains
Chains seeks to confine and relegate the lives of the masses. However, this does not have to be the theme of our existence. We can resist the cultural themes that are indicative of a sick society. Our lives can be testimonies of goodness, honesty and integrity. Let us challenge the entities that seek to enslave instead of liberate. freedom from the chains of others is the right of every world citizen. So let us stop with our allegiance to corruption and our embrace of apathy. Let us begin to chart a new path where humans are valued and oppression is a thing of the past. Let's Get Free!
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Struggle to Empower
The struggle to empower those who have been historically convinced of their weakness is at times daunting. Sadly, for most weakness becomes an accepted position and thus the victory of the oppressors is assured. It is essential that we challenge the chains that seek to confine us to positions of powerlessness. Unfortunately, for most an existence not predicated on the simplicity of ignorance and weakness is unappealing. It is a struggle to be free to awaken to the misery of the world. However, it is in the midst of this realization that we begin to live. So, let us break from the shackles that seek to limit the scope of our lives.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Out Loud
I wonder out loud if there is a place for consciousness? If a place exist for those that see past the trivial? Or will those that have been burdened by consciousness be left to speak in a language that remains foreign for most? The conscious are forever in a state of culture shock longing for familiar surroundings.
Monday, July 25, 2011
A nightmare
Sadly, the water hoses of the righteous cannot extinguish the flames of apathy that engulf the masses. This is no hopeful message. No, it is a message, or more precisely a realization that the masses have be effectively dis-engaged. That most cannot see beyond their ambition for the good life. So, any conversation about how these individualistic dreams will fail to exist in the midst of a crumbling empire are ignored. The screams of the righteous strategically muzzled. So we hear no noise, other than the manufactured noises meant to stifle critical thinking. Critical thinking has no place in a society with microwavable attention spans. Misery spans the globe, but most refuse to think in those terms. So we've reached the doorstep of destruction on corporate terms. Their profits remain untouched while we remain untouched by the latest tragedy. It's a tragedy the way our humanity has been effectively ravaged systemically destroyed. So again, this is no hopeful message. Simply a realization that most will continue pursuing individualistic dreams while the world is set in a nightmare.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Silent Cries
The silent cries of human suffering cannot continue to be ignored by apathetic ears. The essence of life is measured in our ability to connect with suffering. To not allow for the misery that engulfs so much of the world’s population to overwhelm us into a passive acceptance of the status quo. Our lives must be exercises in resistance to the institutions and mechanism that seek to normalize misery as a part of a larger plan. No! Human misery is connected to the all too real actions of human hands. We cannot allow for the brutality of humanity to be absolved. We must recognize that our fate is connected to our willingness to turn from beliefs and actions that allow for our hands to continue in the construction of human suffering. Wake up! Be involved in the struggle or forever be linked to the problem! Let’s Get Free!
Project Mind Control
“To keep you as nothing more than a consumer is the greatest weapon the elites have in the war against democracy.” They keep us in the chains of consumption as we are unwilling to see the ways that corporations have redefined our existence. Their goal was to reshape our notions of independence from autonomy into a destructive hedonism that highlights our infantile desire to absolve ourselves of true responsibility. Sadly, the institutions and entities charged with helping to shape our understanding of the world have become co-opted corrupt mouthpieces for the status quo. So our apathy has become the greatest weapons for those who seek to exploit our condition to exacerbate their profits. Therefore, we must shake off the shackles of corporate mind control and resist the path of destruction that misguided and corrupt corporations are leading us down. Our resistance is our only weapon! All we have to lose is our chains! Let’s Get Free!
Instrument of Fear
It is imperative to recognize that the instrument of fear is the true enemy of the people. It's destructive rhythms seek to sow seeds of discord amongst the masses. In times of confusion, as we lose our collective grips on the American dream we search for answers to quell the screams that articulate our frustration with uncertainty. However, it is in the midst of these times that we must look beyond convenient answers. As media controlled propaganda seeks to convince us that our problems are ushered in because of African Americans, immigrants, gay and lesbians or any other socialized scapegoat we must resist. We must look beyond the corporate endorsed sacrificial lambs that allow us to deny the truth, and the truth is that our misery is connected to the hijacking of America by corporation’s intent on increasing their profit at our expense. It is their greed that has created a dream for a few and a nightmare for the masses. They must be held accountable and their grips on American broken if we are to ever experience the essence of democracy that our forefathers hoped for. Let’s Get Free!
Friday, July 22, 2011
Reflections of A people
Does the inability of our political leaders to compromise and operate in the best interest of the American people speak to a larger issue? Is their stubbornness and lack of empathy simply a reflection of the culture we've created? It seems that the leaders of this country reflect the attitudes and actions of the tuned out masses. Our apathy and individualism has been endorsed and embraced as the attributes we seek in our leaders. The lack of concern we show for the rest of the word has been manifested in the way that our leaders treat us. Our inability to accept difference, affirm different perspectives and support the most vulnerable is on full display in the actions of our leaders. So, we find ourselves being led by leaders that represent the worst in us. It no wonder that we seem so frustrated, their ineptitude is simply a reflection of the American we have sought to distance ourselves from. Self-Reflection is always painful because it illuminates the truth that we are not as great as we would like to believe.Sadly, our political leaders are simply a reflection of the people we have become.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
What is the goal? Revolution!
Some ask, what is the goal? Yes, oppression and injustice are seemingly insurmountable staples of life but “what exactly are we supposed to do”? “How can we fight the magnitude of injustice”? “Can the system be defeated”? The truth is the system is not omnipotent and our willingness to embrace this falsehood is our biggest problem. Oppression and the persistent stench of suffering does not have to pollute the air. No! We can organize, agitate and sacrifice our comfort for revolution. There can be more to life than a worker bee existence. Debt does not have to relegate the masses to servitude forcing people to seek escape through the destructive vices of alcoholism, drugs and other socially constructed vices that do nothing more than suffocate the internal longing for more. So, ultimately a change in our condition is contingent on the power of our collective spirit to unite in the midst of system that preaches division. To recognize that our collective destiny is connected to the regaining of a collective outlook, we must free ourselves from the bondage of individualism and recapture a revolutionary communalism that has been systemically destroyed. The goal, simply revolution nothing more nothing less, Let’s Get Free!
Have we left the plantation?
The raising of this question could seem blasphemous to most. The notion that we still reside on the brutal plantations that relegated black life to misery and exploitation is difficult to accept. However, the reality of plantation life was the dominance of white supremacy, the ability to define the aspirations and goals of the African American community this was the true nature of plantation life. So the question of whether or not this reality has truly changed is imperative to examine. Are African American still laborers simply building up white institutions? More so, if we are simply workers building up the institutions of others, what happens when our labor becomes expendable? White control of black livelihood is the essence of plantation life. The inability for Africans Americans to recognize the limited control they have over their lives and their utter dependence on the white power structure is reminiscent of the House Negro that continually believed that his interest would forever be met by the benevolent White Master. The question is, how is thinking liberated? More importantly, our ancestors were forced to accept exploitative relationships with whites. However, we seem all too quick to accept this exploitative contract as long as we can enjoy some of the spoils off the Master’s table. I thought the goal was to escape the plantation not to simply find more comfortable living quarters. Sadly, it seems that plantation life is all that most desire to know.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Patron and Vegas
I wish that consciousness was coveted like patron. Or we wanted to fight for liberation as much as we wanna make it rain in Vegas. Misplaced priorities relegate consciousness to the realm of a skipped preview while the main attraction of ignorance captivates millions. Sadly, millions can recite verses from formulaic Hip-Hop records but cannot remember the last book they read. Then these masses mourn the lost of our youth to a corrupt culture, wondering what went wrong? What went wrong is that ignorance became the accepted vehicle for those to lazy to chase consciousness. So, we rest at the doorstep of destruction with only empty bottles and passing visions of our attempts to live fabricated lifestyles. It is to bad that revolution cannot be reduced to a slogan or that the idea of freedom cannot be accompanied by a dance. It seems these are the prerequisites for cultural embrace. So, pass the bottles and lets purchase more meaningless materials to cover up holes we've been conditioned to bury. Maybe, when revolution can be corporatized and sold as an application for our phones will it be something we finally pay attention to. Let's Get Free!
Monday, July 11, 2011
Can We Overcome?
Can we overcome the socially induced helplessness that allows for us to remain untouched by suffering? Is it possible for the masses to overcome their dreams of the good life and cast their lot in with the disenfranchised? Or will we continue to remain blind to the writing on the wall. The writing that points to a suffering world and requires a response. The choice is ours we can ignore and shield our eyes to suffering. Or we can abandon any notion that our lives can continue uninterrupted while misery dominates the lives of so many. The measure of our lives is connected to how we choose to answer this question. So let us move beyond comfort and construct a courageous stance. A stance that aligns us with those in the world whose suffering remains muted because we cannot stand to have our fantasies obstructed by real life. So, let us stand! Or be judged by the pen of history as cowards for being passive participants in the proliferation of oppression. Let's Get Free!
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Confront Evil
How do we confront evil? To not shrink in its presence and let its vastness forever banish us into a defeated position of passivity? The task at times can seem daunting, the persistence of evil in its war to trump righteousness at every turn could leave many asking the question "what is the point?" Why not simply ignore the larger problems and turn our gazes inward towards our own personal fulfillment? However, it is at this moment that we lose. Whenever our stomachs no longer turn at the presence of evil means indifference has begun to establish a comfortable resting place in the midst of our consciousness. That is why we must always been on guard against apathy and indifference. We must confront evil at every turn. Our humanity is illuminated when we struggle. We must always choose to struggle. Let's Get Free!
Thursday, July 7, 2011
addiction to distraction
We must break our addiction to the consumer culture that distracts us from reality. It is imperative that we challenge the corporate sponsored culture that seeks to pacify and divert our eyes from the real truth. The fact that powerful corporations have refashioned our democracy to serve their interest. These corporations have no concern for the masses that toil near the brink of disaster with only their credit cards to save them. We must awaken from our slumber and take back our democracy. It is time to free ourselves from the incessant fighting that distracts us from the real enemy. The real enemies of democracy are elites who seek to get rich on our backs, distracting us with lies and pointless propaganda. It is time to confront this broken system and alter its course, so that it can serve the needs of the people and not faceless corporations! Let's Get Free!
Saturday, July 2, 2011
A lesson for the Revolutionaries
It is imperative that those who seek revolution do not become engulfed in self-righteousness. The embrace of self-righteousness can allow for those that seek change to unknowingly separate themselves from the masses. This separation breeds contempt in the heart of those who chase a noble cause, believing that their access to knowledge is a limited pathway that most will never reach. Sadly, this thinking hinders progress. There is no perfection and the contradictions of life ensnares all of humanity. Thus there are none who should be held in esteem over others. Those who covet revolution must keep this truth close to heart. The chains of oppression will never be unlocked until all have grabbed their key.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Oppressive Times
It is in the midst of oppressive times that I recognize that the thirst for revolution grows. However, it is not enough to covet one must be moved from the deathbed of acceptance to the battleground of liberation. The time to challenge the status quo and abandon fear, embrace the outcome of resistance is now. The folly of believing in the inevitability of progress must be destroyed. Progress will always be accompanied by the historical bodyguard of resistance. We must resist the system and the seeming normalization of corporate produced misery for so much of the world population. What will it take for us to align ourselves with the disenfranchised? When will we forgo our undeserved privilege that serves as a corrupt blinder to the suffering of the world? The time for resistance is the same as it has always been,Now! Let's Get Free!
Playing the Game
The notion of playing the game causes an allergic reaction to those who covet more than a time clocked existence. However, it seems that calls for more fall on deaf ears.The progression of time creates a conservative complacency that makes mutiny merely a plan for the discontent. Sadly, most cling to the hollow framework of the American dream. The masses seem pacified by the crumbling illusion that their course will be different. That their hard work will be rewarded with the spoils of the privilege they been socialized to covet. So, I have come to the crushing realization that the meal of revolution is one that most simply can't digest. They instead cling to the familiar diet of oppression and meaningless materialism. Why does it seem that so many pointlessly pursue prosperity instead of preparing for revolution? Far too many questions that require more than simplistic answers. However, I will continue to search for those answers that will ultimately lead to liberation. Let's Get Free!
Importance of time
The importance of my time cannot be measured in the context of the 9 to 5 paradigm. Simply stated, this rubric does not work for me. The concept of working for me is at the essence of anything I endorse. So no, I do not endorse this capitalistic system that seeks to turn me into nothing more than a worker. My allegiance to this corrupt system cannot be bought. I refuse to sign my name on the dotted line. A dotted line that forces me to accept a contract that leaves me contractually obligated to oppression and exploitation. No, my pen will always place me in opposition to conformity and complacency. I will forever choose to uplift my voice in resistance. With my pen, I seek to reclaim a lost heritage that capitalism systemically seeks to deny. So, in my opposition, I deny capitalism the victory in the war to turn me into nothing more than a profit producing drone. My refusal is representative of the spirit of the ancestors. It is their example that provides the revolutionary ink to my pen. Let's Get Free!
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
illusion of ownership
The illusion of ownership is laughable. Sadly, the majority of citizens are forced to live an existence that rarely extends beyond servitude. So why the compliance? Maybe, it is because there can be no critical examination of one's state in the midst of America's confining structures. The narrative of survival does not allow for individuals to question the model that dispenses the necessities. However, it is essential to question and ultimately move in the direction of requiring more from the system. If the system is not working for the people then its replacement is necessary. So let us move in the direction of progressive change at the expense of the maintenance of broken systems. Let's Get Free!
Normal Life
The feelings of angst that occurs with the realization that the normal life is non-appealing must be widespread. I cannot fathom becoming complacent with a status quo lifestyle. The life of a worker bee is something that has disastrous implications for those who desire freedom. Freedom from the restrictions that define so much of the supposed civilized life. There must be more to life than the 9 to 5 grind and the accumulation of meaningless materials. Sadly, most stop the search and seek refuge in simplicity. A simplicity that fosters a lack of fulfillment and continued life crises for those seeking more. So, ultimately I recognize that submission to a life of routine and strucutured obligation devoid of meaning is a price to high to pay. I would rather continue to search for individual freedom in the midst of the herd.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
If I only I could dip my pen in lighter fluid so that I could ignite the flame that would lead to the fire that James Baldwin talked about. Hoping that the flames of revolution would extinguish the winds of apathy that engulf so many. Sadly, it seems that change will continue to move at a snails pace because there can be no revolution were there is no consciousness. And we seem to be unconscious of the ways we view the language of revolution as foreign unable to understand its tone and grasp its complexity. So we embrace oppression or worse we are unable to recognize its grip on the masses. Even in the midst of frustration I refuse to be broken by the inability of revolution to gain traction. I will continue to covet its presence and prepare for its inevitable season. Let's Get Free!
Friday, June 10, 2011
It seems that the tidal waves of hate engulfing Lebron James cannot be solely explained by the Decision Fiasco. We cannot be blind to the history of race and sports and allow for context to be ignored while we claim we are post racial. The venom behind the hate is connected to Lebron's unwillingness to play the role of the meek Negro. His refusal to let the white media define and construct his brand is at the foundation of the vicious attacks directed at Lebron. The media's desire to paint him as the evil coward is connected to his calculated business moves that were once reserved for white owners. Again, the idea of change is frightening and Lebron represents a new athlete more in control of his brand than perhaps any other athlete in the history of American sports. Is it his willingess to exercise his freedom at the heart of the issue? Or is it simply because he left one team to play for another?
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Waiting for Superman, Batman or any other Superhero
It seems that at times we have been conditioned to believe that the problems that provide a context for misery for so much of the world will be solved without our intervention. It is troubling when apathy is rampant and indifference has become entrenched and elevated as a cultural necessity. We must recognize that change is only possible when we individually take responsibility for the collective plight of the world we inhabit. We must refocus our vision and begin to turn our fixation with change inward and begin the process of holding ourselves accountable for the misery we see. So lets us stop waiting for superman, batman or anyone that allows for us to shirk responsibility for the plight of the world. If we recognize that the world is in terrible shape the next question is what are we going to do about it? Let's Get Free!
Thursday, May 26, 2011
The process
How do we begin the process of removing the weeds of oppression that seek to choke the garden of democracy? This is the question that we must answer. What is our responsibility to alleviate suffering and challenge systemic oppression? We must begin by shining a light on the oppressive systems that damage and poison the possibilities for the masses. Then we must actively seek to incorporate progressive ideas into these existing institutions. We must transform the corporate sponsored values that make community impossible. These ate the steps towards making freedom move from a dream to a concrete reality for the masses. Let's Get Free!
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Tides of Privilege
As the tides of privilege seek to engulf the majority of American citizens the realization that there are simply not enough individuals throwing the life preservers of consciousness is disheartening. We must begin to recognize the the warmth of privilege can create a culture of indifference that makes empathy for the suffering of those less fortunate impossible. Sadly, many cannot see beyond their privilege and have no interest in wrestling with the question of what it means to disavow from that reality. So we refuse to recognize the connection between our privilege and global misery. However, the truth is that it is time to move from the confines of privilege towards the liberating arms of revolution. The removal of fictitious barriers that separate collective action against global oppressors is now. Let's us awake from our privileged induced coma and recognize that the time for action is not simply approaching it is already here. Let's Get Free!
Monday, May 23, 2011
Let's Get Free!
Can the power of the pen penetrate entrenched cultural apathy? It seems that revolutionary words fall on reactionary ears making the possibility of liberation laughable. More troubling than this realization is the reality that for most captivity is comfortable. The acceptance of familiar chains as opposed to the uncertainty of revolution seems to be the accepted pathway for most. Sadly, many wander through the desert of ignorance longing for bondage from acceptable Pharaoh's. It seems we have been in bondage so long that we have accepted the reality that the wardrobe of humanity comes with the accessories of chains. Freedom is reserved for those courageous enough to snatch it from the clenched fist of the oppressors. How many of us would rather struggle to be free then embrace an existence of oppression? Those who are willing to struggle have already begun the journey towards liberation. Liberation is the essence of life! Let's Get Free!
Friday, May 20, 2011
Those whose lives have been impacted by the paintbrush of oppression must be on guard against the desire to covet privilege. It is imperative that the marks of oppression remain visible to a world all to quick to ignore the pain of the oppressed. The oppressed and the disenfranchised must not be convinced of their brokenness. Their strength is necessary to still the waters of complacency that seek to engulf the privileged. Our experiences cannot and should not be discarded because we been socialized to see them as barriers instead of the foundation for our liberation. It is time that the oppressed speak with a collective voice that will make the oppressor tremble. The time for revolution is now and the voice of the oppressed is needed. Let's Get Free!
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Degree's = Freedom... LOL
It's sad that those that have been educated in the privileged corridors of higher education are unable to see the commodification of their experience. Truthfully speaking, degree's carry not capital when their worth is mass produced. So as the masses seek shelter in the privileged spaces of higher education they return upon graduation to a job market that has no place for them. In the midst of a capitalistic system the recognition that the commodification of education is problematic does not seem to register on the collective souls of the people. No, we seem content to been pacified by the belief that our degrees will inoculate us from the epidemic of suffering that engulfs large segments of our population. We must wake to the reality that degrees are no substitute to consciousness. Once consciousness occurs then we must actively seek to challenge a system that forces the masses to operate like cattle striving towards rewards devoid of substance. Substance is connected to struggle and it is time for us all to choose that path. Let's Get Free
Monday, May 9, 2011
Rat Race
Life is more than particapation in the rat race. Our existence should be more than punching clocks and systemic structural obligations that confine the individual to a broken system. The idea of freedom must be more than temporary distraction. Lives suffer from disillusionment when supposed answers still leave souls searching for truth. The truth is that these systems are utterly useless in terms of pointing us towards liberation. So the question becomes what does one do in the midst of this realization? They must begin the process of decolonizing their mind to the belief that any systemic reward is anything more than a ploy to gain your allegiance to this corrupt way of life. Life is more than the rat race! Wake up! Let's Get Free!
Friday, May 6, 2011
There is something more. It is in this realization that the hollowness of the existence that most are forced to endure is deemed unacceptable. The screaming voice that emanates from the soul that cries for meaning and fulfillment in a world that simply sells distraction is my compass towards liberation.There is something more.And freedom is connected to the search and belief that structured routine and systemic obligation are not the staples of life. It is this belief that pushes me to continuously challenge the stifling ideas that constrict the movements of humanity. There is more than the systemic entanglements that confine the individual to drudgery and labor. It is this internal belief that keeps me from accepting the process of socialized domestication that strives to strangle my soul. It is in my longer for more that I approach freedom. Let's Get Free
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
True Education
Education raised my expectations and provided me sight to the ways in which I was locked in entanglements fostered by ignorance. It created in me the belief that I deserved more, that survival and struggle do not have to be the main tenets of my existence. And when I speak of this liberating experience I am not highlighting schooling. Schooling is simply a process that seeks to brainwash the individual and inundate the mind with foolish thoughts and trivial pursuits. No, when I speak of education I am speaking of an internal experience that is only facilitated by being an intellectual seeker. Seeking truth even though the embrace of falsehood creates comfort in the midst of oppressive times. True education is the essence of revolution, because it unmasked the ultimate barrier to freedom, our ignorance. So, I seek to move in the direction of highlighting the revolutionary power of education so that it can be felt by all of my people in the struggle. Let's Get Free!
Monday, April 11, 2011
It seems that we are complicit in the viral spread of ambivalence that has infected the masses. As we are enamored with a culture that seeks to only construct meaning in the narrow confines of capitalism. We stand idly by and allow for our helplessness to be an excuse for our silence. Not recognizing that the feelings of helplessness have been engineered by elites to ensure passivity in the midst of corporate takeover. As corporations define and shape policies that continuously benefit the few at the expense of the many we remain appallingly silent. The question is when do we move towards the realization that destruction of this system is the beginning of change? There can be no compromise with a system that defines the corporate state in humanistic terms. We must see that systems and corporations have an obligation to serve the people and when they fail to do this they are no longer useful. These corrupt institution are no longer useful. The questions is what will we do with this realization? Let's Get Free!
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Our time
It is imperative that we seek to construct meaning in the midst of increasingly hollow institutions. The choices that once reflected the pathways to success have been blocked. Society is no longer obligated to provide for the individual. This disheartening reality is exemplified in the limited prospects for those who have followed the rules but receive no compensation for their obedience. It is in the midst of these troublesome times that there is possibility. The time is now for new visions of society and more holistic definitions of democracy and freedom. The question is are we up to the challenge? Can we break from the shackles of conformity and construct a new course for humanity? Or will the soothing confines of complacency rob us of our opportunity to change the world? Let's Get Free!
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Moving Beyond!
It is imperative that we move beyond critique of the flawed system. The time to run towards our vision of liberation as opposed to continually highlighting the entanglements of our oppression is now. Liberation, the freedom to construct a meaningful life outside the confines of capitalistic values and virtues is essential. We must begin to define resistance in tangible ways so that those we seek to liberate have a concrete example to emulate. The time is now to recognize that it is our time to contribute to the historical narrative of human struggle. And those that refuse to struggle for freedom must accept the reality that it's tender embrace is something they may not ready for. So I speak to those that seek revolution not out of romanticism but out of obligation to transform the conditions that have confined the prospects of freedom to the privileged. Let's Get Free!
Friday, April 1, 2011
Postive Consumption
This belief that we can stop at the consumption of conscious messages is problematic. Positive words or devoid of meaning when they eclipse the ears of those that do not desire to have their actions changed. Actions reflect revolution not the simple regurgitation of positive slogans from the mouths of those that deny the reality of consistent hypocrisy. This is not to cast blame. It is simply to reinforce the reality that faith without works is meaningless, and unless our people can begin to see concrete examples of those who have resisted the temptation to be consumed by capitalistic virtues, the theme of hopelessness in the prospects of change will continue to pervade the beleaguered communities we long to save. So let us move with greater urgency towards a culture that is self-critical in nature. So that the stench of hypocrisy will not be something we simply seek to cover up, but ultimately work to eradicate. Let's Get Free!
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Footprints of Injustice
It is clear to see the footprints of injustice all over the playing field of democracy. The question is what do we do? Can we formulate liberating ideologies from minds that are imprisoned? Imprisoned by lies forced to suffer life sentences of disillusionment. We must be willing to move beyond the tangled webs of apathy and embrace a vision of freedom by any means. This means relinquishing the tight grip that we have on the "American Dream" and recognizing that struggle can never be synonymous with the status quo. Let us challenge the structural prisons that confine the life chances of so many. Sadly, there is a realization that most will not embrace the path of revolution, but we simply allow for the limited confines of conformity to define their existence. However, I believe that life should be more and we should agate until this is reality. Let's Get Free!
Monday, March 28, 2011
Breaking Chains
The mission: Breaking the chains of slavery that still fit tightly around the necks of my people. In the age of colorblindness the recognition of slave codes that still confine black lives to the oppressive side streets of invisibility is pivotal. I find peace in the midst of the chaotic screams of revolution.Even though, I recognize Revolution is more than slogans and poses devoid of substance. Revolution is intensely given meaning in the acts of love that force people to stand for righteousness in the midst of oppressive times. So, I seek to duplicate the keys that will unlock the chains of ignorance that stifle black potential. The potential that lies in the hearts and minds of those that make up my community cannot be contained by the brutal barricades of Jim crow. So everyday I fight I actively resist the temptation of white lies that seek to confound black truth. Let's Get Free!
Sadly, we are not strangers to captivity. We have been held captive by the cultural myth that this system works. This faulty premise has left us in the midst of invisible prisons unable to grasp the vastness of the bars. So our voices remain passive in the face of systemic oppression. Passive voices, that we use because the reality of the situation is overwhelming. It is in the midst of this overwhelming state that we retreat to simplistic answers that don't force us to recognize the true nature of the system. The system is broken and anytime solutions require using the oppressor's tools or embracing avenues that the elites endorse is foolish. The journey for freedom cannot be reached by traveling the similar paths that have led to our oppression. It is time to wake up to the reality that revolution is not convenient but necessary. Let's Get Free!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
No Limits
At times it seems that in my community so many define their lives in terms of limits instead of seeing life as limitless. For so many, it seems that blackness requires submission to a minimalist existence. That dreams and aspirations are beyond our scope and we are simply force to embrace survival as the main mode of our life. However, I want to see my people begin to live beyond systematically imposed limits that crush the seeds of hope that lead to fertile lives. We must break free from the chains of limitations the way our ancestors broke free from the chains on inferiority. It is when we begin to live without limits that our embrace of liberation will be truly realized.Blackness does not require that we shrink from the main stage of life and embrace a second class existence. We are entitled to become the epitome of greatness embodied by the sacrifice of our ancestors. Let's Get Free!
Monday, March 21, 2011
apathetic times
Apathetic times breed frustration, the possibilities of change diminish with every passing day. It seems that most are simply incapable of breaking free from the chains of conformity that make dissent possible. Those who claim to be individuals have simply allowed for a capitalistic culture to define their simplistically contrived poses.So we seek poses devoid of substance and embrace ideologies lacking in purpose. Therefore, it is no surprise that injustice is entrenched and oppression is running rampant. The time is now that we awaken from our slumber and truly begin to wage war on apathy. Let's Get Free!
It is in the midst of troublsome times that greateness can be reached. It is that time for our generation. To move from the destructive ideas of selfishness and greed and embrace an ethic of selflessness and humilty. It is imperative that our dreams move from the narcisstic to the noble. That we begin to look beyond careers and steadily growing bank accounts and begin to truly take stock of the broken world that we currently inhabit. The world does not need more professionals the world needs more people concerned with the deplorable condtions that suffocate the life chances of so many. So for our generation the question remains, what path will we take? Will our lives be nothing more than the building of self constructed monuments to our greatness? Or will we lose our notions of the "good life" and recognize that true greatness is connected to our willingness to serve? Let's Get Free!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Comforting Ignorance
Can consciousness contend with the comfort that ignorance provides? The recognition that the brokenness of the world requires a response, and that those that choose to stand on the sidelines silently endorse the architects that are responsible for the brokenness.It is in the midst of these stunning revelations that we will be forced to give an account of how we contributed to the possibility of liberation or allowed for oppression to remain the dominant theme in our world. Will the emergence of a new consciousness instill in us a courage to confront the evils that seek to dismantle democracy and make misery commonplace for the masses? There are no easy answers but ignorance assures that there will never be the conviction necessary to search for answers. Let's Get Free!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
"Right Choices"
How do we respond when we make the "right choices" and still the door to the American dream remains locked? Do we continually believe in the tenets of hard work even as we witness countless hard workers that struggle to escape the crushing grips of poverty? What do we do when the startling truth that the American dream was not meant for all begins to shatter the illusion that we cling to, in order to silence our frustration? There will come a time when the hypocrisy of the American system cannot be explained away. And we will be force to take a stand. However, it seems that the soothing waters of conformity have distilled the revolutionary fervor necessary to see this continued hypocrisy as blasphemous to our foundational ideas of democracy. The time for revolution is at hand. I simply wonder how many will heed the call? Let's Get Free!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Who will Sacrifice?
Those who desire freedom must shatter the myth that it's arrival will emerge without sacrifice. However, the question is who will sacrifice? Who will engage in struggle for liberation that is not tied to monetary gain? Can we see past the materialistic ambitions that corral so many of the talented masses? These are the questions I pose,as daily I see the ways the seductive limbs of prosperity have strangled all the revolutionary ambition out of my people. We have become slaves to systems that simply perpetuate our misery. Solutions lie in our willingness to sacrifice and see beyond the picket fences that serve to fence in our anger. Our righteous anger must return and we must begin to transform systems that hold so many captive. Let's Gets Free or bravely rest in the embrace of our failed attempts.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Black History Month Passes
As Black History month passes without a sound I choose to raise my voice in frustration. Sadly, it seems that the contributions of black people to the American landscape has been relegated to the sidelines while symbolic progress pacifies the masses. It seems that we have become addicted to the post-racial syringe that America continually injects in us. This addiction is detrimental to the continual shaping of our collective identity. As we are unable to see the ways in which post-racial has it roots in white supremacy and thus the journey towards the absence of color leaves us continually in the midst of whiteness. We remain lost. So I REJECT the notion that my history does not need to be celebrated and recognized by a country that convenietly seeks to deny the impact of blackness on the collective soul of America. My pen is the basis for my opposition, my life is a testament to my history. Let's Get Free!
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Prisoner Blackness
Is our blackness to be worn as a badge of honor or is it a chain-linked fence that curtails aspirations and makes failure acceptable? This is the question that I believe must be individually and collectively examined in the black community. For many of us, we have adopted a communal approach that forces black to toe an invisible line of black authenticity. Where style of talk, aspirations and who one chooses to date must be measured against the choices of a silent majority that seems to dictate one's level of blackness. The question is whether or not this is a mentality is liberated or simply of a transformed mentality that originated in the confines of slavery where whites set the limits on black action and created the norms of the black community. Were the struggles of the past fought for blacks to be seen as individuals and to break from the shackles of monolithic identification? Or was it simply to break from white control to a more "acceptable" black elite that shapes the opinion of our people. In reality, our blackness should be worn as a badge of pride, but we must allow for individuals to be shaped by blackness in whatever way they choose. We cannot allow for to conformity to alienate those whose idea of blackness does not coincide with our system of beliefs. We must allow for blacks to be free to allow for their identity and understanding of blackness to be shaped by their experiences. If we cannot do this, then the desire for liberation will continue to be an illusion that lies outside the realm of the masses of our people.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Dreams Deferred
Dreams deferred create bitterness in the hearts of those idealistic dreamers. So, many in my community have forgotten the beauty of dreaming because limited possibilities has created a stifling cynicism that permeates the hollow streets our own communities. So the question is how do we begin to dream again when the reality for most seems so dark? This is the question that I pose to my people. Will we dream again? Will we allow for our talents and gifts to be the fuel to restore our community back to its rightful place as beacon of hope and nurturer for our young people? Or will we allow for hopelessness to continually pervade every corner of our communities, allowing innocent dreams to die violent deaths. Our freedom is inextricably linked to our dreams. Let's start dreaming again.
Monday, January 31, 2011
How do we agitate for change in the midst of stagnant times? It seems that the stifling winds of helplessness have all but extinguished the revolutionary calls for change. Now the idea of change is nothing more than a empty slogan collectively digested by the masses devoid of the sacrificial understanding necessary to make it possible. So collectively we sit at one of the most important times in human history. What will be the path we take?
A Question of Leadership
The relevance of those that seek to convince us of our injuries is rapidly diminishing. At times I wonder who benefits when African Americans construct their identities on the fractured foundation of victimhood. Are there those who seek to resurrect the brutality of our history so that they can then be identified as our saviors? The question is are they truly interested in our progress or in keeping us blindfolded to the ways in which their prosperity is contingent on our misery? The time of calling into question the legitimacy of the self-serving industry of African American leadership is at hand. I am all for those who seek to identity the evils of American society. However, I feel that at times those who question, or not interested in eradicating the evils but simply in securing their position as a critic, thus their stake in the system is the same as the oppressor. It is imperative that we move beyond the confines of victimhood and begin to create a progressive movement around our desire to change the American system. The time of heeding the advice of those that ultimately seek to convince us of our sickness so that they can then sell us the cure is over. Let’s Get Free!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Cry Freedom
The cries for freedom seem to be drowned out by the mounting tides of cynicism that have engulfed the masses. It is becoming harder and harder to envision freedom from the entanglements that stifle the masses. However, we must remain defiant in the face of the oppressive structures that seek to relegate revolution to nothing more than a pipe dream in the minds of society's designated idealist. The cries of freedom must continuously push us beyond the confines of conformity were we can courageously wrestle with the giants of apathy and ignorance that seek to intellectually poison the public. Our lives must continuously be testaments to the idea that the overbearing stench of oppression will not suffocate the righteous. To my people in the struggle as always Let's Get Free!
Monday, January 10, 2011
The comfort of fear
At times it is easy to embrace the comfort of failure or the familiarity of limited expectations because it allows for a damaged self-worth to remain protected. It seems that at times we can be our own worst enemy. Afraid to embrace new challenges because the fear of the unknown keeps us retreating towards familiar boxes. I am beginning to see the ways in which historical wounds on the psyches of my people has continuously manifested itself in the questionable choices my people continue to make. Maybe it easier to retreat from the world evoking the stale cries of racism and systematic injury then to truly apply oneself without the protective cover of accepted excuses? However, I do not want my words to be used to absolve a racist society of its destructive role in the continuous oppression of my people. No, I want my words to challenge my people to truly examine our choices and to see the ways in which fear has sought to create a prison around our aspirations. Let's believe in our greatness and began the process of daily actualizing our beauty and courage. To my people in the struggle Let's Get Free!
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